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CentOS Project Office Hours

This page is obsolete. Please see centos.org/community/calendar instead, while we work on cleaning up the wiki. Thanks!

The office hours are two sessions run every week, that allows users, developers and contributors to engage with the CentOS Project core group and have their questions answered in real time. Every office hours session runs on IRC in #centos-devel on Libera.chat, but we often have a google hangout url and/or a phone number published for people who want to call in and have a chat instead of being on IRC.


The schedule is reported via the community calendar at http://www.centos.org/community/calendar/#Karanbir_Singh_Office_Hours


Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at #centos-devel, and on days when we have a google hangout or a phone number available, we will publish that in the irc channel at the beginning of the office hours session. All content on and about the project is welcome, including user questions, policy and promotion points, questions around Special Interest Groups, help on getting started or contributing etc.

1. Archive

The old page has been moved to http://wiki.centos.org/OfficeHoursArchive

2023-09-11 07:23