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Available Repositories for CentOS

There are several repositories provided by CentOS and other 3rd party developers that offer software packages that are not included in the default base and updates repositories. While no list can be 100% complete, as anyone may announce an archive, it represents some major efforts and provides a summary of what each repository offers. These repositories have varying levels of stability, support and cooperation within the CentOS community.

1. About 'enabled' and 'disabled' repository configuration files

Please read man 5 yum.conf, particularly the discussion of enabled=0 versus enabled=1 . A line containing one of these options is recommended for each repository in each .conf file in the  /etc/yum.repos.d/  directory. This allows the administrator to more clearly specify whether a repository is or is not used for packages. After any edits of these files, in order to clear any cached information, and to make sure the changes are immediately recognized, as root run:

# yum clean all 

2. Additional CentOS Provided Repositories

Third Party Repositories


WARNING: These repositories are not provided nor supported by CentOS. The CentOS project has no control over these sites. Many have their own mailing lists, IRC channels, issue trackers, etc. for support issues with their packages.


NOTE: If you are considering using a 3rd Party Repository, then you should seriously consider how to prevent unintended 'updates' from these side archives from over-writing some core part of CentOS. One approach is to only enable these archives from time to time, and generally leave them disabled. See: man yum

Another approach is to use the exclude= and includepkgs= options on a per sub-archive basis, in the matching .conf file found in /etc/yum.repos.d/ See: man yum.conf

The yum Priorities plug-in can prevent a 3rd party repository from replacing base packages, or prevent base/updates from replacing a 3rd party package.

0.1. Community Approved Repositories

These repositories are frequently recommended by the community, are usually well maintained and provide a substantial number of additional packages to CentOS. They are still not associated with CentOS but are independent. The above warnings about updates and priorities should still be heeded.

0.2. Known Problem Repositories

These repositories are known to cause issues due to large scale of replacement of base packages with little or no warning. Use extreme caution if you choose to use these repositories, and consider using an alternative above.


Be particularly careful about the Atomic repo as they enable their repo by default when installed, and overwrite user changes in the configuration without notice when the release package is updated. Atomic will replace many core packages as configured when installed. Many CentOS users have had problems after enabling this repo, as a forum search will reveal. Even removing packages installed from this repository may leave the system in an unusable state. You've been warned.


Be particularly careful about the City-Fan repo as they enable their repo by default when installed. City-Fan will replace many core packages as configured when installed and those packages often have a different structure than the CentOS ones making them difficult if not impossible to remove cleanly. Even removing packages installed from this repository may leave the system in an unusable state. You've been warned.

An example of what NOT to do


WARNING: Do NOT do this.

A person asked in the IRC channel about some external third-party 'yum' additional repository instructions. It is a bad idea to follow some external documents. A couple of examples of incorrect repo configs:

<!> Please do NOT follow such examples. Use a critical eye and some thought to see what is proposed before adding to (and possibly breaking) your system's 'yum' configuration.

2023-09-11 07:19