Configuring LDAP Authentication on CentOS 6.0
1. Introduction
This HOWTO describes how to configure a CentOS 6.0 system to use LDAP authentication as a centralized authentication system, including user authentication, group information and automatic mounting of home directories with automount maps. By implementing this HOWTO, your CentOS 6.0 systems will be able to utilize a central authentication schema with common home directories across all servers.
2. Recommended Server Configuration
In order to implement the centralized authentication scheme, two servers are required. The first should be a CentOS 6.0 server with the following specifications:
- One processor
- 512Mb RAM
- 16Gb disk, partitioned as follows:
- /boot - primary partition, 200Mb
- / - LVM, 6Gb
- /var/log - LVM, 4Gb
- swap - LVM, 1Gb
- /var/lib/ldap - LVM, rest of disk
- Static IP address
- Minimal CentOS 6.0 Install
Note that the partitioning scheme is designed such that failures (such as log overruns) do not affect the ability to service clients. However, if you have a Network Install Server, you can use that to configure this server.
In addition, you will need an NFS server for handling home directories. I use FreeNAS for this purpose. OpenFiler is another open source option. Both of these products can use the LDAP database that you will set up within this HOWTO. Specifically, you will need to share out the home directories area in two ways:
- With root enabled to the authentication server
- With root squashed to all other client systems
3. Preparing for the Installation
Your NFS server and Authentication server should be registered in DNS before continuing. You will also need to decide on some basic configuration elements.
- YOUR-DOMAIN - The DNS Domain Name of your domain
- BASE-DN - The DNS Domain Name turned into an LDAP DN
- PASSWORD - The Administrative password for the authentication server
In these instructions, I will use the above mnemonics. However, in my install, I use:
- BASE-DN = dc=localdomain,dc=com
- PASSWORD = secret
You should replace YOUR-DOMAIN, BASE-DN and PASSWORD throughout these instructions. In addition, my NFS server is called "" and my authentication server is called ""
3.1. Install as root
All commands, except where noted, are entered as root on the authentication server. Refer to Becoming Root for more information.
4. Configuring the OpenLDAP Server
With the introduction of CentOS 6.0, the configuration of various servers, including OpenLDAP, was changed - in some cases, dramatically. Start by installing necessary packages:
yum -y install openldap openldap-servers openldap-clients perl
Configuration is no longer done by changing /etc/openldap/slapd.conf. Instead, configuration is read from objects within the directory that are pre-populated from separate configuration files in /etc/openldap/slapd.d. To configure the OpenLDAP server for the domain, use the following:
cd /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config for i in olcDatabase*; do perl -npe 's/dc=my-domain,dc=com/BASE-DN/' -i $i done for i in olcDatabase*bdb.ldif; do echo "olcRootPW: $(slappasswd -s PASSWORD)" >> $i done cd /etc/sysconfig perl -npe 's/#SLAPD_/SLAPD_/' -i ldap
By default, the system does not log slapd events, which aid in debugging. Use the following to log slapd messaged:
echo "local4.* /var/log/slapd.log" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf service rsyslog restart
Now that the configuration is in place, start the slapd process.
service slapd start chkconfig slapd on
Review the log file /var/log/slapd.conf to see if there are any errors. They usually refer to errors in the configuration files you just changed.
5. Create the Initial Directory Information Tree
The default database has no structure, so you will have to create it yourself. My default structure has separate areas for users, groups and automount maps:
cat <<EOF >/root/initial-dit.ldif dn: BASE-DN dc: localdomain o: localdomain objectclass: dcObject objectclass: organization objectclass: top dn: ou=Users, BASE-DN ou: Users objectclass: organizationalUnit dn: ou=Groups, BASE-DN ou: Groups objectclass: organizationalUnit dn: ou=Maps, BASE-DN ou: Maps objectclass: organizationalUnit EOF ldapadd -a -c -f /root/initial-dit.ldif -H ldap:/// -D "cn=Manager,BASE-DN" -W
Don't forget to replace BASE-DN with your base DN in this file. Also change "localdomain" to that portion of your domain name. The ldapadd command will prompt you for your password - this is the same password you used in configuring the OpenLDAP server earlier. If all goes well, you should see four lines indicating that the server added a new entry. If this is not the case, something has gone wrong. Refer to the error messages and /var/log/slapd.log to retry the command.
If you are trying this command for a second time, it is possible that some of the entries succeeded the first time. In this case, the error message will indicate that the entry could not be added because it already exists. You can safely ignore this error message.
6. Configuring the Automount Base Maps
The final piece of base configuration is to introduce the necessary base maps for the automounter. We will add individual maps for each user later on.
cat <<EOF >/root/initial-autofs.ldif dn: nisMapName=auto.master,ou=Maps,BASE-DN nisMapName: auto.master objectclass: nisMap dn: cn=/home,nisMapName=auto.master,ou=Maps,BASE-DN cn: /home objectClass: nisObject nisMapName: auto.master nisMapEntry: auto.home dn: nisMapName=auto.home,ou=Maps,BASE-DN nisMapName: auto.home objectClass: nisMap dn: cn=/,nisMapName=auto.home,ou=Maps,BASE-DN cn: / objectClass: nisObject nisMapName: auto.home nisMapEntry: -fstype=nfs,rw,hard,intr files.YOUR-DOMAIN:/export/home/& EOF ldapadd –a –f /root/initial-autofs.ldif –H ldap:/// -D "cn=Manager,BASE-DN" –W
As with the prior ldapadd, you will be prompted for the password and then the records will be added.
7. Testing the Configuration
At this point, pause and test the OpenLDAP server in isolation. You should receive two records from the following command - one for auto.master and one for auto.home:
ldapsearch -x -H ldap:/// -b BASE-DN "(objectclass=nisMap)"
Assuming all is ok, you can open up your server to the rest of your network.
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 389 -j ACCEPT
8. Creating User Records
In order to log in to a client system, you will need a user record with an auto.home record. Here is an example for my user ID "ahall":
cat <<EOF >/root/ahall.ldif dn: cn=ahall, nisMapName=auto.home, ou=Maps, BASE-DN cn: ahall objectclass: nisObject nisMapName: auto.home nisMapEntry: -fstype=nfs,rw,hard,intr files.YOUR-DOMAIN:/export/home/ahall dn: uid=ahall, ou=Users, BASE-DN uid: ahall displayName: Adrian Hall cn: Adrian Hall givenName: Adrian sn: Hall initials: AH mail: ahall@YOUR-DOMAIN uidNumber: 500 gidNumber: 100 homeDirectory: /home/ahall loginShell: /bin/bash gecos: Adrian Hall,,,, objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: posixAccount objectclass: shadowAccount EOF echo "userPassword: $(slappasswd -s TOPSECRET)" >> /root/ahall.ldif ldapadd -a -f /root/ahall.ldif -H ldap:/// -D "cn=Manager,BASE-DN" -W
By now, you should be familiar with the usage of ldapadd. We introduce two records - one for the user that contains all the information you would normally place in the password file, and another that you would normally place in /etc/auto.home file. You will need to create the home directory yourself:
mount files:/export/home /mnt cd /mnt mkdir ahall cp /etc/skel/.[a-z]* ahall chown -R ahall.users ahall chmod 0755 ahall
9. Creating Group Records
Groups can also be stored in LDAP. However, they cannot conflict with system groups already in /etc/groups. If they do, the system groups will take precedence. Once again, we create an LDIF file and then add it using ldapadd.
cat <<EOF >/root/grp-sysusers.ldif dn: cn=sysusers, ou=Groups, BASE-DN cn: sysusers gidNumber: 500 memberUid: root memberUid: ahall description: Group can sudo without restriction objectclass: posixGroup EOF ldapadd -a -f /root/grp-sysusers.ldif -H ldap:/// -D "cn=Manager,BASE-DN" -W
Once the client is installed (which is the next step), you should be able to add the following line to the sudoers file (using visudo):
%sysusers ALL=(ALL) ALL
This will allow root and ahall to use sudo if it is installed.
10. Configuring the Client
We have finally got a working OpenLDAP server. We now need to configure the client systems. Bear in mind that the OpenLDAP authentication server can also be a client of itself. The first step is to install necessary packages:
yum -y install openldap openldap-clients nss-pam-ldapd pam_ldap nscd autofs rpcbind nfs-utils
The authentication portion uses authconfig:
authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver=ldap://ldap.YOUR-DOMAIN:389/ \ --ldapbasedn="BASE-DN" --enablecache --disablefingerprint --kickstart
The automount part is a little more involved:
perl -npe 's/^automount:.*/automount: ldap/' -i /etc/nsswitch.conf cat <<EOF >>/etc/sysconfig/autofs LDAP_URI="ldap://ldap.YOUR-DOMAIN:389/" SEARCH_BASE="ou=Maps,BASE-DN" MAP_OBJECT_CLASS="nisMap" ENTRY_OBJECT_CLASS="nisObject" MAP_ATTRIBUTE="nisMapName" ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE="cn" EOF service nscd restart service autofs start chkconfig autofs on
I have a final additional step just in case DNS goes down - add the authentication server and file server to /etc/hosts.
cat <<EOF >>/etc/hosts ldap.YOUR-DOMAIN ldap files.YOUR-DOMAIN files EOF
Adjust for your IP Address allocation.
11. Testing the Environment
You should be able to use the getent command at this point to obtain information about your user:
# getent passwd ahall ahall:*:500:100:Adrian Hall,,,,:/home/ahall:/bin/bash # getent shadow ahall ahall:{SSHA}encrypted-stuff::::::::0
If this does not work, there is either a problem with your LDAP server or a problem with your authconfig. To determine which, do a ldapsearch for the user in question:
ldapsearch -x -H ldap://ldap.YOUR-DOMAIN:389/ -b BASE-DN "(uid=ahall)"
If this command returns results, then your LDAP server is fine - it's your authconfig. If this command does not return results, then the problem is with your OpenLDAP server.
You should also be able to "cd /home/ahall" and see the contents of the user directory. If this does not work, check the autofs debug messages in /var/log/messages.
You can also test group support in LDAP:
# getent group sysusers sysusers:*:500:root,ahall
If you do not see results, then perform an ldap search to see the information, and refer back to either the OpenLDAP server configuration or authconfig.
11.1. Things Still to Do
These will be follow-on documents to this one.
- Utilizing SSL on the OpenLDAP server by enabling certificates and port 636
- Securing OpenLDAP with access controls
- Overlaying system groups with LDAP groups
- Removing user, group and automount map records.