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Carl George

I enjoy RPM packaging, collaborating with upstream projects, and enabling users to accomplish their missions.

1. Biography

I was born and raised in Texas.

Right out of high school I joined the U.S. Army (2003-2011). My job title was Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator (33W). I was a hardware/software handyman for the M.I. Corps. Part of my early training involved Solaris, which was my first exposure to Unix. Later on I even worked with some systems running Red Hat Linux. In 2009 I installed Linux on my own computer for the first time.

After I left the military, I worked for Rackspace (2011-2019) as a systems administrator and engineer. A large portion of my responsibilities involved running the IUS project. That naturally led me to get involved in the Fedora, EPEL, and CentOS communities.

In 2019 Red Hat hired me to work on CentOS Stream.

2. Contact information


2023-09-11 07:19