Cris Rhea
1. Project Responsibilities
Running NVIDIA drivers on a Xen-enabled desktop environment:
2. Contact information
- Email: crhea at rentaclue dot com -or- crhea at mayo dot edu
3. Interests
- Moving proprietary Unix systems to Linux-based system
- Taking advantage of open-source tools and applications in a production environment
- High-performance computing (Beowulf clusters)
- Web technologies, especially LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/Python/PHP) environments
4. List of achievements
- Using CentOS daily to provide HPC environment for medical research
5. Personal TODO list
- Finish MySQL DBA certification
6. Biography
Worked with many flavors of Unix over the last 25+ years. Spent the last 10 +/- years moving from proprietary (Sun, HP, IBM) systems to Linux-based systems, using open-source software.
RHCE (RH7.1 and again with RHEL4). Working on MySQL DBA certification. Currently architecting systems for genomic and bioinformatic processing infrastructure for researchers at a large mid-western medical center.
7. Scratch area