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CentOS Dojo Amsterdam, Netherlands, Tuesday 2nd December 2014

A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practises in linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.







In order to keep the sessions productive, the number of seats available are limited. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible.

Registrations close on the 20th Nov 2014 and everyone registering gets an exclusive CentOS Dojo T-shirt.

Registrations are running via meetup.com in the CentOS-Netherlands group. Click Here to Join and register for the Dojo.

Speaker Sessions

We hope to kick off the Dojo at 9:30am with introductions followed by speaker sessions till lunch. After lunch the aim will be to run a couple of interactive hack / demo sessions. Exact details on the sessions, including any prep work that might help make the hack sessions productive, will be announced closer to the date. Lunch and refreshments through the day will be provided. The Dojo closes by 17:50hrs.

Chmouel Boudjnah


OpenStack has not always been best buddy for Docker, for some time OpenStack wasn't sure where Docker would fit. These days Docker and OpenStack integration is getting much clearer and there is a multitude of projects starting to integrate Docker with OpenStack. During this talk we are going to go over an overview of how OpenStack services are integrating with Docker and what to look for in the future. We will demo a db+web platform using heat+nova+docker

Patrick Laimbock


The history, present state and future of high availability in OpenStack deployments.

Vincent Batts


Containers: What does it mean? With all the hype about containers, lets spend a few minutes on reviewing use-cases of what that means, and the value that it could mean for you

Karanbir Singh


A beginners guide to the new CentOS community infrastructure, from the community buildsystems to public Git.centos.org and the community CI environment.

Andreas Thienemann


Docker - A big step back ? Looking at docker from the other side of the fence.

Hack Session

In the afternoon we will host an open hack session around Containers, being run by Vincent.

In order to join this hack session, we recommend you bring your laptop and atleast one CentOS-7 VM running on it. We will have provisioning services available over wifi on the day as well, so if you cant get the VM ahead of time, we can help get you setup on the day itself.


Boeing Avenue 271,
1119 PD Schiphol-Rijk
The Netherlands

More details, including transport links into the venue are available at https://schubergphilis.com/contact

2023-09-11 07:22