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CentOS Dojo Brussels, Belgium, Friday 3th February 2017

Videos from this event are available on our YouTube channel.

A One Day Learning and Sharing Experience

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organized around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in Linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.


Registration is now open at Eventbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/centos-dojo-brussels-belgium-3rd-feb-2017-tickets-29571906368

In order to keep the sessions productive and encourage discussion, the number of seats are limited. We encourage early registration to ensure availability.

Agenda and Speakers

The day long event starts at 9:00am and closes by 5:00pm, at which point we will all head into the Fosdem Drinks sessions.



Karanbir Singh

Track 1


The Last Year in the CentOS Project. A recap on what's been going on in the CentOS project and a few highlights for our focus into the new year.

Niels De Vos

Track 2


How a SIG gets to provide YUM repositories for its users: After a SIG has been approved, one of the next steps is to get products out to users. During this talk, Niels will explain how the Storage SIG provides different versions of the Gluster and Ceph projects. This includes the steps of building the packages and their way through several systems until becoming available in a YUM repository for consumption.


Bert Van Vreckem

Track 1


Basic commands for EL7.

Haïkel Guémar, Matthieu Huin

Track 2


CI in the cloud - How RDO uses OpenStack infra tools for packaging: After the OpenStack Tokyo Summit in november 2015, the RDO community transitioned to a delivery workflow inspired by OpenStack's own continuous integration infrastructure ("OpenStack Infra"). The platform relies on Software Factory (https://softwarefactory-project.io/) to set up automatically the tools from OpenStack Infra together and a few additional tools specific to RDO to ensure the quality of their packages. In this presentation, we will introduce the main components of RDO's delivery platform, the problems they help solve, and how they can be adapted to set up your own "RPM Factory".



Track 1


Track 2


Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Track 1


Introduction to Foreman bare-metal management: A short introduction what Foreman is at a very high level. This would be followed by Discovery and some hints on how you can tailor it to your needs. That is a lead up to the foreman_hooks where you can do even more tailoring. I'd close with a few pointers in how you can also write foreman and smart-proxy plugins

Brian Stinson

Track 2


ci.centos.org Brainstorming/Help Session: Get started with cico, or suggest and hack on improvements to the service as we scale up


Buffet Lunch

Track 1

Buffet Lunch

Track 2


Spyros Trigazis

Track 1


OpenStack @ CERN: Status update. In 2016 CERN' Cloud Infrastructure grew in number of services and approaches 200K cores. Magnum (Container Infrastructure) made it in production while Ironic (Bare metal), Manila (File Share) and Mistral (Workflow) are on their way. In this talk, we'll talk about the deployment of new services, upgrades of running services and maintenance of custom of packages. All services at CERN are deployed on CERN CentOS 7 and upgrades include OpenStack releases and distro upgrades. Finally, in some cases we need to carry patches for custom features or from upstream development, so we build custom packages based on those provided by RDO. Such a case is Magnum which comes with the abstraction of cluster drivers where we want to test new features in a high pace.

Patrick Uiterwijk

Track 2

Authentication for Communities Having centralized authentication working for OSS projects can be challenging. Patrick will cover some of the solutions used in the Fedora Infra, and that CentOS is also in part consumming



Track 1


Track 2


Nicolas Planel, Sylvain Afchain, Sylvain Baubeau

Track 1


Skydive - a real time network analyzer. SDN solutions are complex and troubleshooting/monitoring them is even harder. Skydive is an open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer. It aims to provide a comprehensive way of understanding what is happening in the network infrastructure. In this talk, we will present the key features of Skydive through a live demo

David Abdurachmanov

Track 2


CentOS AltArch @ CERN: This talk will provide a look on alternative architectures and experience with CentOS AltArch at CERN. In the last few years CERN and LHC experiments had been porting, benchmarking and demo'ing HEP software and related infrastructure bits on ARMv8 64-bit (AArch64) and PowerPC 64-bit (ppc64le).


CI/CD Hack Session

Track 1

Stef Walter

Track 2


Cockpit: for systems automation and management.


Marriott Grand Place, Brussels
Rue Auguste Orts 3-7
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium


2023-09-11 07:22