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CentOS Dojo at Bucharest, Romania 6th Sept 2013

A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practises in linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.

Venue Sponsors http://www.cloudbase.it/


In order to keep the sessions productive, the number of seats available are limited. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible. This also gives us a good chance to make sure we have a T-Shirt for you on the day with the right size!

Registrations are running via Event Brite Click Here to Register Now; We have an early bird ticket price of 20 Eur, and a regular priced 30 Eur. Early bird registrations close on Aug 30th and regular registrations close on the 4th Sept 2013, however please register as early as you can.

Registration cost includes refreshments, lunch and an exclusive CentOS Dojo T-shirt.

Speakers and Agenda

Confirmed speakers at the event :

Alessandro Pilotti


OpenStack on CentOS + Hyper-V with RDO How to deploy a CentOS 6.4 based full multinode OpenStack Grizzly infrastructures involving a controller, network, KVM and Hyper-V compute nodes in a matter of minutes using Packstack.

Jan-Piet Mens


Multiple choice: DNS Servers on CentOS Some people say "everything is a f...ine DNS problem"; we say: you have the choice. Whether you're a developer who needs a DNS name server on your laptop to test your latest distributed whizbang app in a taxi, or whether you're a network administrator who has to offer DNS services to a corporate environment: which DNS server should you choose? In this short talk I'll give a quick overview of the choice you have on CentOS: authoritative vs. recursive; big vs. small; database vs. files; complex vs. simple; DNS and/or DNSSEC. Take one, take two, take 'em all: they're free!

Karanbir Singh


Growing CentOS: The CentOS Project is creating opportunities for people to come and get involved to extend the CentOS ecosystem beyond just CentOS Linux. My talk will explain how this works, and what people need to do in order to get involved. You can find out more about Karanbir Singh on his wiki page at KaranbirSingh

Valentin Bud


Building Clouds, the Easy Way: I want to emphasize, with a live demonstration, how easy it is to deploy an OpenNebula infrastructure using CentOS. I will have 2 VMs with nested KVM on top of an OpenNebula Cloud on which I am going to install another ONE Cloud.

Paul Apostol


Automated Provisioning System Flavoured with CentOS: The story of a huge leap that changed our way of doing things. We built a fully automated provisioning system on a CentOS bedrock, which has deployed and now manages more than 1000 servers in very different setups and configurations.

Sabin Potirca


Bitdefender NIMBUS - Going from Number 7 to Number 1: It will be about how we built our Cloud Services Infrastructure, focusing especially on automation, user interaction and limitations.


The CentOS Dojo, Bucharest, Romania 2013 is going to be held at

TechHub Bucharest
District 2, 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu

The venue is well connected via public transport Detailed travel instructions are avialable on their website at : http://bucharest.techhub.com/directions/bucharest/


Thanks to Alessandro Pilotti, Octavian Ciuhandu and Adrian Bora at Cloudbase Solutions for organising and sponsoring this event.

We have sponsorship opportunities available, please get in touch with us at Donate address for more details. NOTE: This is a not for profit event, all funds raised as a part of the CentOS Dojo effort are rolled into the CentOS promo fund and will be used for further CentOS Dojo Events

2023-09-11 07:22