CentOS Dojo Denver, Co, USA, 10th April 2014, @ ApacheCon Conference
A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience
The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in Linux-centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios. |
Venue Sponsors |
Is now closed, event passed.
Speakers and Agenda
The Denver Dojo is co-located with the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 14 (CCC14), and attendees will have access to the keynotes and evening event for CCC 14. To keep in sync with the CCC14 schedule, this Dojo begins a bit later than usual at 10:30. But please consider attending the CCC14 keynote at 9:30!
Johnny Hughes
Growing CentOS as a Platform for Infrastructure Development: The data center is changing, and the role of server operating systems is evolving along with it. CentOS is taking on the challenge of becoming a platform for innovation that enables next-generation services to meet the needs of the data center today and tomorrow. We'll look at how CentOS is embracing special interest groups (SIGs) and variants, in addition to its standard offerings, to meet those needs. We'll also take time for Q&A and let the audience introduce themselves so that attendees can make the most of the "hallway" track. Growing_CentOS_Platform.pdf |
Paul Angus
Using KVM & XenServer hypervisors in a CloudStack Cloud: In this presentation, Paul will describe the deployment procedures for the large scale roll-out of KVM and XenServer hypervisors and take a look at the practical differences between the two CentOS based hypervisors in relation to a CloudStack IaaS deployment. |
Kirk Jantzer
Building the Foundation Under CentOS and your Data Center: Every admin dreams of building out their own infrastructure from scratch, until they actually have to do it. Having built a private cloud from the ground up, I'll give advice on everything from the amount of RAM and number of sockets to the storage layer. |
Veda Shankar
Using CentOS and GlusterFS to power ownCloud: Veda will demonstrate how to spin up privacy friendly Dropbox-alternative ownCloud on robust storage (GlusterFS) and CentOS, providing a fully FOSS cloud storage option that's suitable for individual users or large organizations. |
Joe Brockmeier
Software Collections on CentOS: The power to build, install and use multiple versions of software on the same system, without affecting system-wide installed packages. Welcome to software collections. In this talk Joe will cover some of the background on software collections, how to implement them and highlight some of the scl's being shipped today in CentOS Linux. |
Kevin Fenzi
How to Manage your CentOS Infrastructure with Ansible: Simplify your life by using Ansible to manage your CentOS infrastructure. |
Russell Pavlicek
Using and Understanding Xen4CentOS: Xen Project Evangelist Russ Pavlicek will discuss how to use the Xen Project hypervisor on top of CentOS. |
Westin Denver Downtown 1672 Lawrence Street Denver, Colorado 80202 United States
Local Hotels
The dojo is located at the Westin Denver Downtown facilities, and rooms are available at a reduced rate until March 14th, 2014. Use the registration link from the ApacheCon 2014 site for the reduced rate.
Other accommodations can be found easily using the new Google Maps ... use the search string: lodging loc: 1672 Lawrence Street Denver, Colorado 80202