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Dojo at DevConf.US

The CentOS and Fedora communities will be holding a Dojo on August 14th, 2019 - the day before DevConf.US begins - at Boston University, in the Balcony Room of the George Sherman Union building. MAP. (Look for signage and our greeters at the front door!)

Register (Free)

Register to attend. (Tickets are free, but we need you to register for planning purposes. Thanks!)

Schedule of Talks (Tentative)

CentOS Presence at DevConf.us

In addition to the Dojo, CentOS will have a presence at DevConf.us in the form of a booth or table. If you are interested in helping to staff that table, please contact Rich - rbowen@centosproject.org - to volunteer. We'll have a schedule signup page as soon as we know more details about what that looks like.

How you can help

We need your help to make this event a success. Here's ways you can help.

Session Abstracts

Using AppStream for fun and profit! - Langdon White

RHEL 8 introduced the concept of Application Streams, known as "modules" in Fedora. Come to this talk to learn about what is new and interesting about modules and how you might be able to use Application Streams with CentOS 8.

2023-09-11 07:22