CentOS Dojo at LISA14 10 November 2014
The USENIX LISA conference is in Seattle, Washington this year, and we've collocated a Dojo with them on November 10th. Colocated in the conference hotel, you can find us in the Redwood AB room of the
Sheraton Seattle Hotel 1400 Sixth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101
A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience
The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in Linux-centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios. |
Registration and Event Capacity
This event is open to all LISA14attendees on a first come, first served basis. If you're not already registered for LISA, please do so at their registration page. You'll be glad you did. Once registered with LISA, you'll simply need to come to the Redwood AB room of the Sheraton Seattle on November 10th to attend the Dojo.
Speakers and Agenda
CentOS Dojos' goal : having a strong emphasis on getting things done with CentOS. Dojos feature tutorials, case studies, and in-depth discussions of technologies in and around CentOS. If you're interested in speaking at this event, please contact the CentOS team for details.
The day will run from 09:00 to 17:00.
We have a great lineup of speakers on the day :
David Nalley
CI environment scaling - How we implemented Jenkins, jclouds and cloudstack with CentOS to create on-demand build slaves for our CI environment |
Michael Stahnke
DevOps Isn’t Just for WebOps: The Guerrilla’s Guide to Cultural Change - Culturally, you can win a DevOps ground war. In this talk we’ll discuss changes to team and culture that can move your organization forward. We’ll consider a reactive team mired in fire-fighting and incapable of making headway, then watch as change that betters the team’s output and perception throughout the organization is slowly introduced. We’ll cover root-cause analysis efforts, bringing pain forward, experimentation, and selling automation and DevOps tooling to management. This talk will not focus on tools, but rather procedural and cultural improvements that can make your operations team better. |
Stephen Smoogen
The EPEL Phoenix Saga - Stephen Smoogen, noted myligant on the history of Red Hat Linux and Fedora, will present an extremely biased talk about the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. This talk will cover EPEL's beginnings, its scandals, how it has grown into titanic proportions and how those issues have come back to haunt the very existence of the repository. From there, we will finish up with how you, the CentOS system administrator, can best help EPEL meet your needs and how you can help others meet theirs. REMARK: Warning to the feint of heart, repotags will be discussed |
Jim Perrin
Docker in the Distro - What we're currently doing with Docker in CentOS, and what we plan to do with Docker in the future. We'll cover various use-cases, as well as how to deal the hype around docker, and keeping calm in the face of unbridled developer enthusiasm. |
Matt Simmons
Managing your users - Everyone has customers and users, whether or not they deal with the public, and learning how to manage them is vital to your career's happiness and longevity. Matt is going to talk about some techniques for building trust, understanding why people do the things they do, and will tell stories about how he's screwed up - and what he got right. |