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If you're looking for information about Geerd-Dietger Hoffmann, you have come to the right place, but because no one can pronounce my name everyone calls me Didi.

I am just doing my MSc in Software Systems Engineering at UCL in London. If I am not hacking around in some program I like repairing cars and bikes, smoking Cuban cigars, reading and collecting books.

I am quite involved in OpenSource and enjoy talking and going to conferences around the world. I am an editor of the CentOS Newsletter and involved in may other things. My topic of interest varies, as I like to explore new things but currently I am interested in compilers, again.

Sorry for all the typos, but spelling has never been something I considered really worth my time. Some evil people say this also applies to remembering names.

The most information is on my website http://www.ribalba.de

Email me : didi |at| ribalba.de


If you want to buy some promo stuff please send me an email under promo |at| ribalba.de with what items you would like and where you live. I can then send you the stuff.




2023-09-11 07:22