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1. Add a new builder

Let's assume that the new builder will be named kojibuilder10.dev.centos.org

 export new_koji_builder="kojibuilder10.dev.centos.org"
 koji add-host ${new_koji_builder} i386 x86_64
 koji add-host-to-channel ${new_koji_builder} createrepo
 koji edit-host --capacity=20 ${new_koji_builder}

 koji add-host-to-channel ${new_koji_builder} image

Bootstrap new koji instance

If you want to bootstrap a new instance for test, you can use the standard sig_creation tool but you need first to create the external repos it expects :

$ su - koji
$ koji add-external-repo centos6-os                "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos6-updates           "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/updates/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos5-updates           "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/updates/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos5-os                "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos6-extras            "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/extras/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos7-os                "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos7-updates           "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/updates/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo centos7-extras            "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/extras/\$arch/"
$ koji add-external-repo sclo7-bootstrap           "http://cbs.centos.org/externalrepos/sclbootstrap/7/"
$ koji add-external-repo sclo6-bootstrap           "http://cbs.centos.org/externalrepos/sclbootstrap/6/"

You can get the actual list of repos on a production instance :

$ su - koji 
$ koji list-external-repos


1. Add a new tag for an existing SIG

WARNING : always specify -c when SCL are involved

As koji user you can run :

$ /opt/cbs-tools/scripts/create_sig.sh       
usage: templates/cbs-tools/scripts/create_sig.sh -d <distribution> -s <signame(s)> -t <tag(s)>

This script generate new build target in koji for SIGS.

   -a   ARCHES                   : Force arches e.g : "x86_64","aarch64 i686", etc...
   -b                            : Enable non public bootstrap repo (SCLO SIG only)
   -c   COLLECTION               : Enable collection in the buildroot e.g : mariadb100
   -d   DISTRIBUTION             : 5 6 7 8 8s
   -p   SIG PROJECT NAME         : cloud6-<openstack>, sclo-<mariadb100>, etc...
   -r   SIG PROJECT RELEASE NAME : cloud6-openstack-<juno>
   -s   SIG NAME                 : cloud
   -t   DISTTAGS                 : "el7 el7.centos el8_0"
   -x                            : delete old -build tag and then recreate.

For example to add a new tag for version 8 of opendaylight, nfv SIG you can run :

$ /opt/cbs-tools/scripts/create_sig.sh -s nfv -d 7 -p opendaylight -t el7 -r 8

Please note that the disttag is important and you can check previous version of the project if user forgot to mentioned it. Otherwise confirm with the SIG Chair.

A note about CentOS stream, The "el8s" dist tag is needed as koji has a unique namespace for packages.

To add a new tag for version CentOS Stream 8 of opendaylight, nfv SIG you can run :

$ /opt/cbs-tools/scripts/create_sig.sh -s nfv -d 8s -p opendaylight -t el8s -r 8

Specific note for SCLs (SCLo or RH ones) :

Don't forget to create tags with "-c" from script to automatically add scl_build to buildroot (needed)

For the signing+push operations, it happens through one specific tag, so each newly created tag for SCL needs to be added to the -all- tag. Here is a snippet to do this :

scl_tag="rh" # can be sclo or rh depending on collections
for i in testing release; do
 last_priority=$(koji taginfo sclo7-all-${scl_tag}-${i}|tail -n 1 | awk ' {print $1}')
 new_priority=$(( $last_priority + 5 ))
 koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-all-${scl_tag}-${i} ${basetag}-${i} --priority ${new_priority}

When they request also a tag inheritance (like rh-nodejs14 inherits from devtoolset-9), it can be done through the el7-build and candidate tags inheritance :

koji add-tag-inheritance sclo7-rh-nodejs14-rh-el7-build sclo7-devtoolset-9-rh-candidate --priority 15

2. Ensuring we have default pkg in buildroot

In case we need by default some pkgs in the buildroot, we can use the following (example) :

koji add-group-pkg infra8-buildtools-common-el8-build build epel-rpm-macros
koji add-group-pkg infra8-buildtools-common-el8-build srpm-build epel-rpm-macros

3. Rebuild a package for a different arch

Build as a scratch build the previous .src.rpm, mention the wanted arch :

koji build --arch-override="ppc64 ppc64le aarch64" --scratch <target> <mysrpm>

Merge the build, with task id that was produced by previous command :

koji call mergeScratch <mytaskid>

4. Adding dependency on external repo[s] for some tags

$ koji add-external-repo --tag=opstools7-common-el7-build centos7-extras

5. Add a package to a buildroot

$ koji show-groups opstools8-collectd-5-el8-build
$ koji add-group-pkg opstools8-collectd-5-el8-build srpm-build go-srpm-macros
$ koji add-group-pkg opstools8-collectd-5-el8-build build go-srpm-macros

See an example at https://github.com/CentOS/ansible-role-kojihub/pull/4/files to make it permanent for the next time a SIG new project is created.


2023-09-11 07:22