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CentOS Directory Server, Basic Install

1. Prerequisites

  1. This guide is written to assume that you have a minimal install of CentOS-5.x. You can get this minimal install by deselecting all Tasks during your install. The Currently listed tasks include Gnome Desktop, KDE Desktop, GUI Server, Server, Virtualization, Clustering, and Cluster Storage. Deselecting all these options and continuing the install will get in this condition.

  2. You must be able to do a fully qualified host name lookup on the server where you are going to install, please make sure you include a fully qualified domain name as your computer name during setup AND do one of the following (if required) to be able to resolve your host name:

    1. Edit your /etc/hosts file and ensure there is an entry for your server with the fully qualified domain name present.

    2. Add a DNS record to the DNS zone for this server.

    Please test that the server can seen using the name you expect to use prior to setup. You can use host <name> (if there is a DNS record) or ping <name> if the entry is in /etc/hosts to verify that you name is going to work.

2. Installing the CentOS Directory Server packages

  1. As of May 2009, The CentOS Directory server is officially released and is available from the Extras Repository for CentOS-5. You should therefore be able to install with a simple :

    yum install centos-ds
  2. In the 6 release series, this set of files were renamed to use a 389 prefix, and the offerings available may be seen thus:

    yum list 389\*
  3. After install of the directory server, install these required support packages:

    yum install xorg-x11-xauth bitstream-vera-fonts dejavu-lgc-fonts urw-fonts

3. Setup the Directory Server

  1. Use the Installation Guide to complete the setup of the Directory server. Please remember to use the following changes during install:

    1. Anywhere that there is a redhat-<name> script, substitute centos-<name> instead.

    2. Anywhere that java-1.5.0-ibm is referenced, substitute java-1.6.0-openjdk.

    3. Anywhere that up2date is used to install a package, instead use yum to install that package.

2023-09-11 07:22