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Karsten (quaid) Wade

Email: <quaid AT centos DOT org>

After being a long time fan, I got involved with the CentOS community first behind the scenes in 2013 and then publicly in 2014 via the new relationship with Red Hat. At that time I helped design the plan and lead the project that brought this relationship together. At Red Hat I work in the Open Source Program Office as a Senior Community Architect.

Since 2003 I've been involved in open source projects, most often through working in the Fedora Project. Currently, I'm a Fedora Ambassador and occasionally dabble in Infrastructure. I'm a former Docs Project leader and Fedora Board member. I currently lead the community for The Open Source Way, a community of practice around community management best practices.

For the CentOS Project I'm a Governing Board member, which is subject to the process of open governance and my merit in the project. I'm a former Board Secretary and former Red Hat liaison.


2023-09-11 07:22