1. Internal documentation
Other pages referring to the topic of RPM, and building RPMs in this wiki include:
2. External documentation
Here is some external documentation about RPM Package Manager.
rpm.org -- see also the older RPM site oldrpm.org
This dual link model arises due to changes at Red Hat in December 2006, deciding to end the editorship of the prior RPM site maintainer; that maintainer posted a mirror of the last version of the old RPM website to address the problem of broken links.
Creating Quality RPMs GuruLabs page
DRAFT Building Packages in Fedora fedora wiki
Because the following book is requested, we add a link for, but do not recommend the 'Maximum RPM' online edition; please be aware that parts of this book pre-date a major restructuring in the RPM project, to split out from 'rpm' the package management tool, the 'rpmbuild' binary package building tool. As such some references, such as to:
rpm -ba (specfile)
are obsolete. The project to re-write 'Maximum RPM' is stalled as of early 2008.
Maximum RPM -- now at: Maximum RPM for the older RPM site version