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The CentOS Project provides CI resources that are available to all CentOS and Fedora infra and infra related open source projects to come and consume. The aim is for projects to use this resource as a CI setup for themselves as well as to integrate against each other as the code base evolves.




Details on the hardware setup are at http://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/PubHardware

Test Infra

We run Jenkins CI as our open-source continuous integration server. If you are not already familiar with it, you can read all about Jenkins CI at http://jenkins-ci.org/

Usage Info

Put all details relevant for the users here. There are two kinds of users, the people themselves and the projects that they run tests for.

Overall we have 2 types of user accounts: Project and Individual. Jenkins itself only knows about 'Project' accounts which are shared among the members of the project. Your individual account allows us to map your membership in each group, and control access.


Project admins and site admins can request an Individual jump host account, that allows them access to the Jenkins slave VM. All other users will only get a login and an API key that is tied down to their project. Users can setup jobs in the Jenkins interface but must ensure they lock the jobs down to their project slaves.

1. Projects

2. Users

You can request your Individual jump host account by creating a ticket at https://bugs.centos.org (category: ci.centos.org), be sure to include:

Your Individual jump host account gives you:

3. Interface :: Duffy

/Duffy is our provisioning controller and management tool. It uses Ansible behind the hood to provision, manage and allocate machine resources in the test cluster. It presents a simple REST interface that can be called from the Jenkins VM and has an evolving set of API calls. Details of the API are listed on the /Duffy page.

4. Artifacts

See the 'Artifacts' section on the /GettingStarted page

2023-09-11 07:23