The packages listed here are amongst the most popular downloaded rpms. Some of these packages allready have basic (or more advanced) tests in place, so please check the t_functional tests directory before starting to write tests. You are also welcome to expand the tests which are allready in place. Name in () indicates who is working on it:
- authconfig
- autofs
- binutils
- caching-nameserver
- checkpolicy
- coreutils
- cpio
- cronie
- crontabs
- dash
- db4
- device-mapper-multipath
- dracut
- e2fsprogs
- efibootmgr
- elfutils-libelf
- ethtool
- expat
- filesystem
- findutils
- fipscheck
- gamin
- gawk
- glib2
- glibc
- gmp
- gnupg2
- gpgme
- grep ( mamu )
- groff
- grub
- grubby
- info
- iproute
- iptables-ipv6
- iputils
- kbd
- keyutils-libs
- krb5-libs
- less
- lua
- lvm2
- m4
- mingetty
- module-init-tools
- ncurses
- net-tools
- nspr
- nss
- OpenIPMI
- openldap
- pam
- pciutils-libs
- pcre
- pinentry
- plymouth
- policycoreutils
- popt
- procps
- psmisc
- pth
- pygpgme
- python-iniparse
- python-libs
- python-pycurl
- python-urlgrabber
- readline
- redhat-logos
- rootfiles
- rpm
- rsyslog
- sed
- selinux-policy
- selinux-policy-targeted
- setup
- shadow-utils
- slang
- sqlite
- sudo
- system-config-firewall-base
- sysvinit-tools
- tcp_wrappers-libs
- tzdata
- udev
- upstart
- ustr
- util-linux-ng
- vim-minimal
- which
- xz-libs
- yum-metadata-parser
- yum-plugin-fastestmirror
- zlib