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Building OpenShift Origin and OpenShiftAnsible Manually

There are many times that you want to build Origin or OpenShiftAnsible manually. This is usually for testing, or when automation has broken down, but there can be other reasons.

1. Setup

Although tito or cbs are not required, they are helpful.

1.1. Tito

tito helps you build rpm's and srpm's from git repos.

1.2. CBS

cbs allows you to build packages on the CentOS Build System. More information, including getting permissions

2. Manually Build Origin

2.1. Setup Variables

Although you don't have to use variables, it makes it easier for showing what to do. I also find that when I set the variables I don't miss steps. I will be using 3.9.0 as our example.

2.2. Do The Work

I like to always do a build with a clean git checkout.

3. Manually Build OpenShift Ansible

3.1. Setup Variables

Although you don't have to use variables, it makes it easier for showing what to do. I also find that when I set the variables I don't miss steps. I will be using 3.9.0 as our example.

3.2. Do The Work

I like to always do a build with a clean git checkout.

2023-09-11 07:23