TODO Copyright © 2015 The CentOS Artwork SIG Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file describes some issues that need to be solved in order to improve the visual recognition of CentOS 6 major release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Login screen deforms artistic motif Both GDM and KDM greeters stretch the default background image. This deforms the background image visual pattern when the screen resolution is different to that the background image being displayed was created for (e.g., 1920x1200 or 1920x1440). We need to find a way of solving this. In GDM, it is possible to remove the artistic motif deformation issue providing a greater number of background images to fit different screen resolutions and setting them appropriately in /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml file. With this information in place, GDM chooses the background image that matches the current screen resolution! In KDM, the /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc file is installed with theme mode pre-configured, so changes to background information are controlled by theme definition file itself (e.g., /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/CentOS6/centos6.xml). Something must be changed in it to do the trick. 2. KDM crops text messages In KDM, the last vertical line of pixels in text lines seems to be cropped making the message to look incomplete. This happens with PAM messages (e.g., see the "d" letter in the "failed" word), CapLocks messages (e.g., see "d" letter in "enabled" word ) and Session Type message (e.g., see the "e" letter in Type word). To improve the visual experience of KDE users, it would be nice to make these messages to be displayed correctly.