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CentOS Mini Dojo Bangalore, India, Wednesday 29th April 2014

A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience

The main focus of this mini Dojo will be on Containers and some of the new things going on in CentOS Linux ecosystem around containers and cloud. We will also cover some ways in which existing CentOS users can make the jump to containers and clouds with the least amount of effort needed.

Event Sponsors: redhat2.jpg

Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd


For logistics purpose we need to know how many people attending the Dojo. We will be using CentOS India meetup group (link mentioned below) for registration/RSVP.


For more info, please contact:

Speakers and Agenda

Timing: 4:30PM to 8:30PM

Please use the twitter hashtag #centosdojo


Red Hat India Pvt Ltd
11th Floor, Tower D, IBC Knowledge Park No. 4/1,
Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore 560029,

Tel: +91 80 3924 5000

LandMark: Christ University

Red Hat is in the last building in IBC knowledge park. You can also ask the security at the gate for Red Hat office. They should be able to show you the way. Parking would be available in base ment of Tower D. Lift number 25 to 28 would take you to 11th floor i.e. Red Hat office.


We have sponsorship opportunities available, please get in touch with us at Donateaddress for more details. NOTE: This is a not for profit event, all funds raised as a part of the CentOS Dojo effort are rolled into the CentOS promo fund and will be used for further CentOS Dojo Events-

2023-09-11 07:22