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We'll be holding our annual CentOS Dojo in Brussels, at the Marriott Grand Place (about 5 minutes walk from Grand Place) on the Friday before FOSDEM - February 2nd, 2018. We are looking for a full day of technical content covering all aspects of the CentOS project.

Further details about this event will be available here as soon as we have them. Also, watch @CentOSProject on Twitter for updates.

Video from this event is available on the CentOS YouTube channel.


Marriott Grand Place, Brussels
Rue Auguste Orts 3-7
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium


Agenda and Speakers

The day long event starts at 9:00am and closes by 5:00pm, at which point we will all head into the Fosdem Drinks sessions.



Track 1

Track 2

8:30 - 9:30


9:30 - 10:15

CentOS - a year in review A recap on what's been going on in the CentOS project and a few highlights for our focus into the new year.

10:15 - 11:00

Bert Van Vreckem - Basic troubleshooting of network services

Julien Pivotto - Ansible 101

11:00 - 11:30

Break and hallway track

11:30 - 12:15

Thomas Oulevey - Anaconda addon development on CentOS 7

Sean O'Keeffe - Foreman+Katello & Why?

12:15 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:15

Matthias Runge - Opstools SIG - where are we now?

Adrian Reber - OpenHPC and CentOS

14:15 - 15:00

Fabian Arrotin - Content caching for faster build-and-deploy ops

Tom Callaway - Building modern code on CentOS with devtoolset

15:00 - 15:30

Break and hallway track

15:30 - 16:15

Haïkel Guémar - Storings metrics with Gnocchi on CentOS

Spyros Trigazis - Practical System Containers on CentOS Atomic Hosts

16:15 - 17:00

Colin Charles - Understanding the MySQL Database ecosystem in 2018

Kris Buytaert - Deploying your SaaS stack OnPrem


Bert Van Vreckem - Basic troubleshooting of network services

In this entry-level talk, a method for systematically troubleshooting network services (e.g. httpd, named, etc.) on EL7 is introduced.

The TCP/IP protocol stack forms the scaffolding, each layer from bottom to top being a consecutive phase in the process. At each level, the most important items to check are discussed, along with the most suitable commands for EL7.

Sean O'Keeffe - Foreman+Katello & Why?

High level introduction into the glorified yum server we call Katello. Showing some of the features and integration points for large scale complex environments.

Matthias Runge - Opstools SIG - where are we now?

Overview on the current state of the OpsTools SIG

Julien Pivotto - Ansible 101

Automation is at the heart of modern infrastructure. Ansible is a great tool to automate your routing workflows and your infrastructure.

This talk will present you the best of Ansible - how you can quickly get started and start automating your infrastructure with it.

Fabian Arrotin - Content caching for faster build-and-deploy ops

Those days, especially with CI/CD approach, there is higher need to host up2date content (.rpm, containers images, etc) that can be served from internal network for faster build and deploy operations. Let's have a summary of the options you have, and let's cover what is used in the https://ci.centos.org environment as an example

Kris Buytaert - Deploying your SaaS stack OnPrem

Even today a lot of organisations are not using "Cloud" or "SaaS" platforms , but they want the same functionality as these SaaS platforms. When that call comes it's a hard dilemma between growing your customer base or not. This talk will discuss our experiences in running an existing Open Source Software as a Service platform on premise at a customer. It will show you all the pitfalls and painpoints we went trough in doing this, even when we had a Infrastructure as Code and Continuous Delivery as our primary values. We'll discuss what tools we used, why we selected only Open Source tools and what our lessons learned are.

Haïkel Guémar - Storings metrics with Gnocchi on CentOS

During this talk, we'll discover Gnocchi which is a time series database that scales. Then, how to deploy it and use it on CentOS.

Thomas Oulevey - Anaconda addon development on CentOS 7

As we support a big number of Desktop at CERN, many users do interactive installation and need some site specific configuration at first boot. This session will try to present our plugin and few tips on how to develop such add on, at a fast pace.

We will show that we can interact with the add on in different mode : gui and tui installation and then through kickstart %addon sections.

Finally we will shortly show how we designed our final configuration around masterless puppet.

Adrian Reber - OpenHPC and CentOS

The newly created CentOS HPC SIG is currently mainly focusing on integrating the OpenHPC packages into CentOS. After a short OpenHPC introduction and why many things are different in an HPC environment than usually I want to present the results of the HPC SIG so far. How the build system is used and what the plans for the usage of the CI system are. How to further integrate the OpenHPC packages better and with less duplication into CentOS and which ideas I have for closer integration of the OpenHPC packages in CentOS.

Spyros Trigazis - Practical System Containers on CentOS Atomic Hosts

This talk is an introduction on system containers with practical examples. System containers is a way to extend CentOS and Fedora Atomic hosts which they usually have a minimum set of utilities and applications. In this talk, we will do a tour of the CentOS Atomic host we will see how to build and install, usually system-level, applications as well as how to benefit from the containers that the Atomic team maintains. Kubernetes, the Docker daemon, cri-o are no exceptions and can be run in containers as well. We will see how to build Kubernetes and Docker system containers and how to install them on atomic hosts.

Tom Callaway - Building modern code on CentOS with devtoolset

High level introduction to devtoolset. Discussion will cover what it does, how it is packaged, and how you can use it. I will use Chromium as the example.

Colin Charles - Understanding the MySQL Database ecosystem in 2018

MySQL is unique in many ways. It supports plugins. It supports storage engines. It is also owned by Oracle, thus birthing two branches of the popular opensource database: Percona Server and MariaDB. It also spawned a fork: Drizzle. You're a busy DBA having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk.

MySQL is a unique adult in many ways. It supports plugins. It supports storage engines. It is also owned by Oracle, thus birthing a branch and fork of the popular opensource database: Percona Server and MariaDB Server.

You're a busy DBA thinking about having to maintain a mix of this. Or you're a CIO planning to choose one branch over another. How do you go about picking? Supporting multiple databases? Find out more in this talk. Also covered is a deep-dive into what feature differences exist between MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB Server.

A base blog post to get started: https://www.percona.com/blog/2017/11/02/mysql-vs-mariadb-reality-check/

2023-09-11 07:22