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The 2019 edition of the annual CentOS Dojo in Brussels was held at the Marriott Grand Place (about 5 minutes walk from Grand Place) on the Friday before FOSDEM - February 1st, 2019.

The videos from this event are now on YouTube.


Marriott Grand Place, Brussels
Rue Auguste Orts 3-7
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Map of venue

Agenda and Speakers

The day long event starts at 9:00am and closes by 5:00pm, at which point we will all head over for the FOSDEM Drinks Event, which traditionally happens at Delirium on Friday evening.



Track 1

Track 2

8:30 - 9:30


9:30 - 10:15

RHEL, Fedora and CentOS: Solving The Penrose Triangle - Jim Perrin

CentOS Git infra changes - Fabian Arrotin

10:15 - 11:00

From regular user to community member - Pablo Greco

NFV SIG Introduction and Update - Thomas F Herbert

11:00 - 11:30

Break and hallway track

11:30 - 12:15

Making SecureBoot less scary - Patrick Uiterwijk

Introducing CentOS Community Container Pipeline - Dharmit Shah

12:15 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:15

What we know about 8 - Jim Perrin

One playbook to rule them all - Till Maas

14:15 - 15:00

Give CentOS a try, the easiest way! - Fabiano Fidêncio

Building RPMs with Gitlab and Koji - Thomas Oulevey

15:00 - 15:30

Break and hallway track

15:30 - 16:15

Monitor your CentOS stack with Prometheus - Julien Pivotto

CentOS at Facebook - Davide Cavalca & Phil Dibowitz

16:15 - 17:00

Troubleshoot Ansible with an Ara over your shoulder - Haïkel Guémar

Service Assurance Framework - monitoring with low latency - Matthias Runge


Making SecureBoot less scary - Patrick Uiterwijk

In this session, I intend to explain some of the SecureBoot process in place in CentOS: how do things tie together, and how does it aim to provide a reasonable secure boot process.

NFV SIG Introduction and Update - Thomas F Herbert

Originally, the NFV SIG was proposed for the distribution of packages for OPNFV, a network oriented variant of Open Stack. More recently, it focused on additional packages for software data planes and Virtualized Network Functions and NFV SIG now provides Vector Packet Processing (VPP) RPMs. In this session, Tom will review the progress of NFV SIG so far. He will follow with a general discussion of Virtual and Containerized Network Functions. Finally, Tom will propose future goals for the NFV SIG and discuss how to respond to the increasing interest in containerized network functions.

Monitor your CentOS stack with Prometheus - Julien Pivotto

This talk will introduce you to the Prometheus monitoring solution and how you can use it to monitor yous CentOS servers, and the applications that run on top of them. It will provide tips about the setup and show some great, real life example.

A small demo involving OpenShift will also be produced, to demonstrate how Prometheus can work with dynamic environments.

Introducing CentOS Community Container Pipeline - Dharmit Shah

CentOS Community Container Pipeline helps open-source projects automatically build and update their container images on CentOS infrastructure. It recently underwent architecture change. In this talk, we will talk about existing and upcoming features of the pipeline, and how any open-source project being developed on top of CentOS can use the CentOS hosted pipeline to automatically lint (Dockerfile), build and scan their container images upon every "git push"! As an aside, we can also discuss how someone can deploy the same container pipeline in their own infrastructure.

Give CentOS a try, the easiest way! - Fabiano Fidêncio

On this session we'll give a hands-on example on how easy is to give CentOS a try when using GNOME Boxes, focusing on libosinfo's integration and, hopefully, going through how the CentOS community could help libosinfo to always have the most up-to-date CentOS support.

Troubleshoot Ansible with an Ara over your shoulder - Haïkel Guémar

Discover ARA an ansible callback plugin that enables you analyze/troubleshoot your Ansible playbooks executions more easily. ARA was developped initially for the needs of RDO CI then became a full-fledged OpenStack project on its own and it is making its way in even more use cases.

Service Assurance Framework - monitoring with low latency - Matthias Runge

Providers of large infrastructures, such as telco companies have a requirement to provide a highly available environment, but also to have the ability to quickly fail over. The service assurance framework offers a foundation to build such environments.

The talk will discuss the solution in detail and will show, how to integrate this into own infrastructure.

RHEL, Fedora and CentOS: Solving The Penrose Triangle - Jim Perrin

The relationship between Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS is anything but obvious. Over time the interests of each distro and its patrons have grown and shifted, often filling in gaps and creating opportunities. Join to hear how Red Hat and RHEL have evolved, why Fedora and CentOS are treasured, and how they fit together. From there we will discuss the road ahead, the solutions Red Hat is working on, and the resulting opportunities to work together.

One playbook to rule them all - Till Maas

Upgrading from one Linux release to another means to review and update the configuration files of your services. Configuration management tools such as Ansible allow to keep your configuration in a separate repository so you can apply your configuration to a fresh, upgraded system. However, configuration management systems still require adjustments to the actual releases to adapt for the changes. Linux System Roles provide tailored Ansible roles for all active Fedora, RHEL and CentOS releases that allow to configure your systems in a uniform way.

CentOS Git infra changes - Fabian Arrotin

While announced already, merging git infra with Fedora on pagure was a common goal. Why and what does it bring for both communities? Let's find out!

From regular user to community member - Pablo Greco

Fabian and I were thinking about us doing a talk about the process of joining the "active" part of the community.

Coming from a regular user, who does some occasional changing for himself, up to being the latest member of the QA group.

Building RPMs with Gitlab and Koji - Thomas Oulevey

Fedora and CentOS are using pagure.io but at CERN we had to adapt our workflow around on-premise Gitlab which is our git/CI platform.

We will show how our 'distgit' like workflow works and what libraries we use to implement our tools.

What we know about 8 - Jim Perrin

The RHEL 8 beta is out, and there are quite a few changes under the hood. Here's what we know, and what we don't. There are several important changes that will impact how we build the distribution, so we'd like to hear from you. If you've already been running the beta, we'd like your feedback on that too.

Video on YouTube

CentOS at Facebook - Davide Cavalca & Phil Dibowitz

This talk will focus on how we deploy and manage CentOS on our fleet at Facebook, and showcase challenges, best practices and lessons learned working with a deployment of hundreds of thousands of machines. We'll discuss several topics including: challenges encountered over the years, our contributions to upstream and tools developed overcome them, our upstream-first approach, and what the future might look like.

2023-09-11 07:22