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Given the change to the status of Red Hat Summit, we have postponed this event. Please stay tuned for future updates. If you have already registered for the event, we encourage you to remain registered, so that it's easier to send you followup announcements.

We will be running a CentOS Dojo at the Facebook offices in Menlo Park (San Francisco area), California, on April 24th, 2020. This is the Friday before Red Hat Summit, so you can combine two trips in one!

Facebook runs CentOS on millions of servers. Learn more in this video from the CentOS Dojo in Brussels.


1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA, 94025 (Directions) - more details will be available closer to the event.

Call for Presentations

The Call for Presentation is Now Open. We're looking for presentations on all aspects of CentOS, from the OS itself, to whatever projects you're running on top of it.

You can have a look at past schedules for an idea of what kind of presentations we have run in the past. Past attendees have indicated that they prefer deep technical talks to introductory content.

Suggested topics include:

Agenda and Speakers


Important Dates

* Call for presentations open - February 10 * CFP closes - March 16 * Schedule announced: March 18th * Event: April 24th

2023-09-11 07:22