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October 2021 Online Dojo

This will be our third online Dojo of 2021, and will occur October 7th and 8th.

Registration is now open.



Thursday, October 7th


Board of Directors AMA Video


What does Red Hat Want? Slides Video

Brian Exelbierd


State of EPEL on CentOS Slides Video

Troy Dawson and Carl George


Modules - Love/Hate relationship Slides Video

Alex Baranowski


Building a high-performance remote desktop with CentOS 8 Stream on Amazon EC2 Slides Video

David Duncan

Friday, October 8th


CentOS Stream and meeting the user requirements of Public Cloud Slides Video

David Duncan


Hyperscale SIG update Slides Video

Davide Cavalca and Neal Gompa


Kmods SIG Introduction Slides Video

Jonathan Billings and Peter Georg


CentOS Automotive Slides Video

Jeffrey Osier-Mixon


Stable AND Cutting Edge: CentOS Stream Deployment in a High Performance Computing Environment at Facebook AI Research Video

Chris Bray


Davide Cavalca - Hyperscale SIG update

Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.

Troy Dawson and Carl George - State of EPEL on CentOS

What is the current state of EPEL on CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream. What has changed in the past year, or two. What do we see in the future.

Join EPEL Steering Committee chair Troy Dawson as he gives an overview of the State of EPEL on CentOS.

Jeffrey Osier-Mixon - CentOS Automotive

CentOS has been adopted into many industries, but to date has not made inroads into traditionally embedded or IoT spaces. The newly approved CentOS Automotive SIG seeks to change that. Our goal with the SIG is to provide a neutral gathering place to collaborate on the next generation of in-vehicle automotive operating systems, and to produce an automotive reference distro as a CentOS variant. Red Hat will use the work done in this SIG as an upstream for its upcoming Red Hat Automotive Offering, and our hope is that automakers and OEMs will join us and participate in this effort.

However, that is only the beginning of what this SIG is capable of. We also want to invite participation from cloud providers with microservices, the large maker and hobbyist community around automotive computing, and especially other open-source automotive projects - basically anyone with an interest in bringing a curated Linux distribution to the car with a truly transparent, open-source development process. Many details of this SIG are to be determined, so please help us determine them! Hope to see you there.

Brian Exelbierd - What does Red Hat Want?

A lot of CentOS community members wonder what Red Hat is thinking and what it wants. That is a difficult question to answer as Red Hat is not a person, it is a large company with many products only some of which are directly impacted by CentOS. However, that doesn't mean that there are no goals or desires. In this talk we will hear what Red Hat thinks about when the CentOS Project comes up in the conversation and how the CentOS Project is seen as fitting into the larger RHEL Ecosystem.

David Duncan - CentOS Stream and meeting the user requirements of Public Cloud

In this talk, we will explore the possibilities for using CentOS Stream on Amazon EC2 and why the transition from CentOS 8 to CentOS 8 Stream is a great fit for workloads on Amazon EC2. We will look at the evolution of EC2 instances and how customers have closed the gap in the past; the issues EC2 users have faced over the years and how CentOS Stream closes the gaps on customer experience where longer term community distribution support is critical to achieving their goals.

Alex Baranowski - Modules - Love/Hate relationship

Modules are ways of packing the set of the RPMs into one functional group. Modules are the mechanism that is quite simple to understand but surprisingly challenging to master. In this presentation, I would like to discuss the modules from the perspective of a user and a Red Hat Enteprise Linux clone distro maintainer.

The presentation will focus on common challenges with modules and the CentOS Stream/new-RHEL-clones/Fedora ecosystem.

David Duncan - Building a high-performance remote desktop with CentOS 8 Stream on Amazon EC2

By using NICE DCV with Amazon EC2, you can run graphics-intensive applications remotely on Amazon EC2 instances. You can then stream the results to more modest client machines, which eliminates the need for expensive dedicated workstations. This session will include

Chris Bray - Stable AND Cutting Edge: CentOS Stream Deployment in a High Performance Computing Environment at Facebook AI Research

In parallel with its widely discussed hyperscale production infrastructure, Facebook has other CentOS deployments. Here we will detail a novel technique that allows the Production Engineering team working with Facebook AI Research to implement a stable/testing/latest operating system deployment model in one of its high performance computing environments by leveraging the existing CentOS Stream compose model.

This deployment model means Facebook can maintain long term support, both internally and with third parties, for a stable base OS while continuing to easily update with security patches and later package versions from the latest CentOS Stream releases as required. This also enables us to easily test new versions of CentOS Stream as they're released and to provide a predictable and maintainable upgrade schedule for our research teams.

Jonathan Billings and Peter Georg - Kmods SIG Introduction

This session introduces the Kmods SIG and covers its scope. We review what the SIG has been working on and how you can already use it. Next we give an overview on what the SIG is currently working on as well as an outlook on work planned in the future. We also show how people can get involved and provide an opportunity to address any questions.

2023-09-11 07:22