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CentOS Dojo Pune, India, 22nd November 2014

A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practises in linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.

Venue Sponsors: pune-university.png

Pune University

Local Organisers: Pune Linux User Group


In order to keep the sessions productive, the number of seats available are limited. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible.

Registrations close 48 hrs before the event and everyone registering gets an exclusive CentOS Dojo T-shirt.

Registrations are running via Event Brite. Click Here to Register Now.

Speakers and Agenda

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM : Registration and Tea/Coffee

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM : System Management Using CIM Via Openlmi

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM : Break

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM : Troubleshooting applications and systems using Systemtap

12:45 PM - 02:15 PM : Lunch Break

02:15 PM - 03:15 PM : Security holes through UEFI variables

03:15 PM - 03:30 PM : Tea/Coffee Break

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM : What's New in Virtualization

04: 30 PM - onwards : Open house, Installfest

If you would like to speak at the event, please get in touch with KaranbirSingh, LalatenduMohanty ; topics can include either user stories around CentOS, or new user information like tutorials and introduction to new technologies.


Topic: System Management Using CIM Via Openlmi


In this hands on tutorial, we will be discussing a brief introduction to DMTF’s WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Management) standard using CIM.

Going through briefly how CIM enable remote system management starting from request from system admin to remote system and actions taken on remote server for the request and it’s response back. We will be concentrating how we can use CIM Client application like lmishell (part of openlmi) for remote system management.

This will be followed by demo on how to manage users on remote system and installing and configuring a service on managed system.

Speaker: Devchandra L Meetei


Devchandra has been working on platform management using CIM since 2010. His experiences vary from developing CIMOM(cimserver) and management modules(CIM provider) and currently he is engaged on developing a CIM Client application for platform monitoring. Apart from his daily bread earning office work, he contributes to open source projects including OpenPegasus, where he acts as one of the maintainer, lmiwbem, follows and tests LLVM/clang, libuv and openSSL. He thanks IBM Linux Technology Centre for introducing him to beautiful open source world.

Topic: Security holes through UEFI variables


There is system issues with the way that the UEFI Specification defined “UEFI Variables” might be used. UEFI Variables are often used to store some system configuration information. System products may be storing information that is integral to system boot and security feature configuration in an insecure manner.

Modern systems necessarily contain some integral system configuration information. This integral information is typically related to security features and hardware configuration. Like secure boot configuration, hardware lock settings, system boot passwords, and feature enable settings for capabilities used in security solutions. The need for these to be configurable varies depending on the intended usage of the system. If these types of integral system configuration are stored in UEFI Variables then there is the potential for malicious software to bypass system features and intended usage. If such a variable is not protected, malware running as an application after the OS has booted would be able to modify the contents of the variable or delete the variable through UEFI firmware and UEFI Operating System supported APIs that allow access to UEFI Variables. These API include the ability to modify or delete non-authenticated variables. If system configuration information is stored in a non- authenticated and updatable manner, malware could potentially bypass exposed system security protections.

Speaker: Parmeshwr Prasad

Topic: Troubleshooting applications and systems using Systemtap


This will be an interactive session to demonstrate some sample use cases for Systemtap to troubleshoot applications and systems. I will also demonstrate uses of some userspace probe points that were added in glibc in CentOS 7.

Speaker: Siddhesh Poyarekar


Siddhesh maintains glibc upstream and in RHEL and Fedora

Topic: What's New in Virtualization


This session will give an overview of the advancements we saw in the state of open source virtualization in the years following the EL6 release. We will also cover a few common use-cases and how things have improved all across the stack to accomodate those use-cases. New functionality, esp. for use with newer use-cases like OpenStack will be discussed. The session will focus exclusively on the Linux virt stack, namely KVM, QEMU, libvirt, and tools based upon these technologies.

Speaker: Amit Shah

Slides: http://log.amitshah.net/2014/11/my-talk-centos-dojo-pune-2014/


Centre for Modeling and Simulation, University of Pune, Pune 411 007 INDIA


Local Hotels


We have sponsorship opportunities available, please get in touch with us at Donateaddress for more details. NOTE: This is a not for profit event, all funds raised as a part of the CentOS Dojo effort are rolled into the CentOS promo fund and will be used for further CentOS Dojo Events.

2023-09-11 07:22