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CentOS 4.7 QA


Report all bugs you encounter on http://bugs.centos.org/ and do not forget to select 4.7 for the "Product Version".

Tested Hardware lists

i386 Hardware

x86_64 Hardware

Test Matrix

This will be used to build more complete matrix. Add things you need/would like to see/... to be tested.

Stuff the developers need to clear out for 4.7

Stuff for CentosPlus

Function Test Matrix

This matrix describes different functional tests. If you successfully tested a item from the matrix then you can add a X to the cell. If you have a failure then add a note below the matrix in the numbered list and add the number of your entry in the cell.

If there are already 3 letters in a cell for that test then you do not need to add a letter if your test was successful. If your test failed then leave the letters in the cell but add the number of your note.

Functional Test





Storage drivers

Network drivers





Firefox + Thunderbird


GUI Yum tools





CentOS Branding

Yum priorities plugin

1. ...

Installation Test Matrix

This matrix describes all the different ways to install CentOS. If you successfully tested a certain way on a certain platform you can add the letter of your hardware profile in the matrix in the correct cell. If you have a failure then add a note below the matrix in the numbered list and add the number of your entry in the cell.

If there are already 5 letters in a cell for tests on real hardware or inside Xen, or if there are already 3 letters for the other platforms then you do not need to add a letter if your test was successful. If your test failed then leave the letters in the cell but add the number of your note.

  1. ...

Release Notes

Put here things you think should be mentioned in our release notes :

2023-09-11 07:23