CentOS 5.3 QA
1. ToDo
A list of things we like to get done for the 5.3 release.
- ...
2. Bugs
Please submit your bug reports to the CentOS-qa mailing list. It may also be helpful to add them to the list below, but Karanbir is is currently only watching CentOS-qa for reports.
Short bug description
Packages : list packages involved
Error : full bug description
3. Tested Hardware lists
Add to the sections below the hardware that you are using to perform the QA tests. Each hardware config is given a letter and that letter is used in the test matrixes below to mark which things you tested.
4. Test Matrix
This will be used to build more complete matrix. Add things you need/would like to see/... to be tested.
Verify that nss_ldap issues are fixed (Bug #2964) -- FIXED (-jeff_s)
Verify system-config-samba shows added user bug is fixed (http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=2691) - FIXED
Realtek RTL8111/8168B (r8169) causes slow reads from Samba server (http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=3218 and #3029 #3177) - FIXED
- Verify that nautilus-sendto doesn't require libgaim anymore
Stuff the developers need to clear out for 5.3
- ...
Stuff for CentosPlus
- ...
4.1. Function Test Matrix
This matrix describes different functional tests. If you successfully tested a item from the matrix then you can add a letter from your hardware profile ( i386 Hardware or x86_64 Hardware ) to the cell (so we know who tested). If you have a failure then add a note below the matrix in the numbered list and add the number of your entry in the cell.
If there are already 3 letters in a cell for that test then you do not need to add a letter if your test was successful. If your test failed then leave the letters in the cell but add the number of your note.
To read testcases click on the testname. If the page for a testcase is empty you are free to add testcases you think are relevant.
Functional Test |
i386 |
x86_64 |
Core |
Kernel |
BC |
Storage drivers |
Network drivers |
BC |
Xen dom0 |
Xen domU |
BC |
Desktop |
Gnome |
C |
Firefox + Thunderbird |
C |
Openoffice.org |
C |
GUI Yum tools |
C |
Server |
Apache |
BC |
Perl |
BC |
Python |
Squid |
Vsftpd |
Bind |
Samba |
Mysql |
BC |
Postgres |
Clustering |
Core clustering (rgmanager) |
GUI Tools (Conga) |
Misc |
CentOS Branding |
CD |
Yum priorities plugin |
4.1.1. Failures Functional tests:
- ...
4.1.2. Yum priorities testcases
- General test:
- Install yum priorities.
- Set the CentOS Base, Updates, and Extras repos to priority 1.
- Enable RPMForge.
Try to install subversion and perl-Compress-Zlib. Yum should offer to install these from the CentOS repos.
- More to come.
4.2. Upgrade Test Matrix
4.2.1. Failures upgrades
- ...
4.3. Installation Test Matrix
This matrix describes all the different ways to install CentOS. If you successfully tested a certain way on a certain platform you can add the letter of your hardware profile in the matrix in the correct cell. If you have a failure then add a note below the matrix in the numbered list and add the number of your entry in the cell.
If there are already 5 letters in a cell for tests on real hardware or inside Xen, or if there are already 3 letters for the other platforms then you do not need to add a letter if your test was successful. If your test failed then leave the letters in the cell but add the number of your note.
Todo ...
5. Rescue Mode
- To be integrated into the installation test matrix.
6. Serial Console
Serial console works on i386 and x86_64
- ...
7. Release Notes
Put here things you think should be mentioned in our 5.3 release notes :
7.1. Issues
- fix the RHEL release notes (httpd 64 bits PPC mixup/httpd.i386 removed?)
RPH sees mention 21 Jan 2009 09:53:26 on RHEL5 ML: rhelv5-list (samba-3.0.33-3.7.el5 in fact, v RelNote mention of "Samba has been re-based to upstream version 3.2.0.") --- Query: what is the case, and was it a backport, or a rebase?
- The package manifest in the upstream release notes is totally screwed with loads of errors. Best start from scratch if the upstream docs don't get corrected?
yum update procedure to avoid "rpmdb: unable to lock mutex: Invalid argument": yum update glibc && yum update
- Bug when updating openmpi and lam packages. Uninstall these packages before updating (see upstream release notes for details).
- When performing remote updates over ssh, consider using a screen session or updating in small chunks to minimize the impact of a lost connection mid update. We saw plenty of support cases for broken updates due to this last time round.
major anaconda issue (timezone not being honored in kickstart) see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=481617 and workaround at http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/docs/DOC-15687)
The NTFS code is broken. See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=481495 for details. Because of this defect, the centosplus kernel in 5.3 does not have NTFS turned on (unlike all previous versions). Users needing NTFS should use ntfs-3g ( http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/NTFS ).
NetworkManager requires wpa_supplicant to also be updated for wireless to work but there's a broken dependency in the NetworkManager package for wpa_supplicant. Consequently 'yum update NetworkManager' without also updating wpa_supplicant breaks wireless. http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=3399
- 5.3 install crashes after installation on Parallels 3.
- When using diskboot.img to install from a USB drive, anaconda tries to install GRUB on the USB drive rather than on the local HDD. Removing the USB drive after getting into the GUI (before the partitioning section) works around this problem. Should also be able to select advanced boot-loader options and manually re-order the drives.
7.2. Resolved Issues
nautilus-sendto requires missing dep on libgaim - http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=2483 and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=250403
- Support for the Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller is now back. It was broken since 5.1 kernel but it's supported (as it was previously) with the sky2 module.