Documentation SIG
Sig Status: Proposed
1. Goals
The Documentation SIG would be responsible for the content of the Wiki, and other public sources of documentation. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Working with the Red Hat documentation folks on publishing material upstreamed from RHEL.
- Identifying, writing, and maintaining content aside from stuff that is intended for RHEL, whether that's in manuals or shorter form wiki material.
- Periodically auditing and pruning old and outdated documentation, including auditing the wiki to ensure it is correct and authoritative.
- Promoting CentOS documentation as a reliable source of information for CentOS and enterprise Linux in general.
- Working with translators to make documentation available in languages other than English.
- Working with other special interest groups on their documentation needs and helping them create, maintain, and integrate their own content.
2. Mailing List and Communication
Use the centos-docs mailing list to discuss documentation issues.
Also raise certain issues to the centos-devel mailing list for wider reach.
Chat on the #centos-docs channel on Libera Chat IRC.
3. Where Docs Live
Wiki -
Website -
Contributors Guide -
CentOS 8 docs -
EL docs from RHEL -
4. SIG Membership
As of October 2021, the following people have indicated interest in participation in this effort:
Shaun McCance
- Rich Bowen
- Pany
- Earl Ramirez
- Petr Bokoc
5. Meetings
We do not yet have a scheduled meeting time.