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CentOS Dojo, FOSDEM, 2021

When: February 4th and 5th, 2021, before FOSDEM 2021

Where: The event will happen online at https://hopin.com/events/centos-dojo-fosdem

Registration is free - Register and attend HERE.

Videos of all presentations are On YouTube

Talk Schedule

Times are tentative. All times are UTC.

Thursday February 4th:

Friday February 5th:

Talk Abstracts

Everyone can contribute to RHEL now!

Tomas Tomecek

CentOS Stream completely changed the rules of the game: everyone in the world can now use the latest development version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux - by using CentOS Stream. You no longer need to wait for a beta or even the general availability if you want to try the latest bits.

Red Hat did not stop with the latest development packages and modules - source code of CentOS Stream is now available and easily browsable. You can now clone a CentOS Stream package locally, such as kernel, change it and send Red Hat a patch. It would be then up to the maintainers if they accept it or not. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the contribution workflow, so you have a complete understanding of the process, tooling, gotchas and where to find help.

In this session, we’ll quickly introduce CentOS Stream (though we recommend attending our other session to know all the details) and then show you how to contribute to the ecosystem. With a live demo!

How OpenStack became boring (and successful)

Javier Peña and Alfredo Moralejo Alonso

OpenStack is now more than 10 years old. Over its existence, it has lived through the usual hype cycle, and it would seem now that it is no longer as exciting as it used to be. However, now that OpenStack has become "boring", it is widely used by many organizations in production, has a massive market around it, and continues to be one of the most active open source projects.

In this session, we will discuss OpenStack's journey to become "boring", and how the RDO community and the Cloud SIG contributed to its stabilization. We will also discuss what is left to do (spoiler: a lot!), and how you can contribute.

Hyperscalers SIG introduction

Davide Cavalca

This session will introduce the Hyperscalers SIG, cover its scope and planned work, and provide an opportunity to address any questions.

Speeding up DNF and RPM using Copy on Write

Matthew Almond

Installing and updating software packages are the most common actions in managing computer systems. This talk illustrates some of the concepts used to reduce resource usage and improve performance. With this foundation we are able to move forward with future projects that could lead to a dramatic reduction in I/O, compute and network usage for the common case.

Building elastic configurations using CentOS Stream and EC2-Hibernate

David Duncan

Building an image pipeline using CentOS Stream and Image Builder

David Duncan

This is an introduction to building and delivering Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) using CentOS Stream 8, Ansible, and the Linux System Role for Image-Builder with a tip of the hat to continuous testing. We'll connect some plumbing around including specfic applications, like Jenkins and wordpress, and explore loading content from github during the build. We'll be using the AWS parameter store to provide account acess to the images using a novel data type for identity.

2023-09-11 07:22