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CentOS Dojo Madrid, Spain, Friday 8th November 2013, @C12G Labs | Open Nebula

A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience

The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practises in linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios.

Venue Sponsors c12g.png http://c12g.com/ ]


In order to keep the sessions productive, the number of seats available are limited. We encourage everyone to register as early as possible.

Registrations are running via Event Brite Click Here to Register Now; We have a nominal price of €20.00. Registrations close on the 6th Nov 2013. Registration cost includes refreshments and lunch on the day and an exclusive CentOS Dojo T-shirt.

The CentOS Dojo is colocated with the OpenNebula tutorial that runs on the 7th Nov from 15:00 to 19:00 at the same venue. The tutorial is aimed at people looking to get started with Cloud on private and public infrastructure. For more information on the Tutorial please look at here and remember to let us know in the registration if you are going to be attending the Tutorial as well as the Dojo.

Speakers and Agenda

Live feed of the event: * Part I ( Pre Lunch ) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asVg9irZASk * Part II ( Post Lunch ) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=345jD0qmJ4k * Part III ( Final talk of the day ) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW9d22c9sJ8

The event will start at 09.30 and will end at 17.30.

Confirmed speakers at the event :

Karanbir Singh


The Road Ahead: The CentOS project turned 10 years old in 2013. And even though it's been very productive, interesting and enjoyable - it's the future plans that are the most exciting. In this talk I will speak about some of these exciting goals and discuss the medium to long term efforts being planned and how this might impact the existing userbase, as well as how we create inbound paths for new users to get involved and derive the maximum value from what we do.

Jaime Melis


Cloud environment with CentOS, OpenNebula and KVM: Moving to a Cloud environment is the next logical step for any Virtualization environment. This step, that is sometimes daunting to undertake, is extremely simple with the powerful combination of CentOS, OpenNebula and KVM. In this talk we will discuss the benefits of moving to a Cloud environment using OpenNebula, and the appropriate workflows to manage the infrastructure while preserving the control and optimization that of Virtualization perspective. We will discuss in more details how to optimize your virtual machines. opennebula.pdf

Luis Fernando Muñoz Mejías


Yum at Scale: Yum is a powerful package manager, being able to resolve dependencies, find the packages that own a given file and much more. However, it's a tool that runs on each machine, and that could, potentially, give different results on each node of your infrastructure at different points in time. In this talk we'll discuss the different resources in Yum and the open source community to guarantee perfect reproducibility of our software installations in large scale environments. yum-scale.pdf

Luis Fernando Muñoz Mejías


An introduction to Quattor and Aquilon: Originally developer for managing large sites in the LHC Computing Grid, Quattor is a highly modular and scalable system administration toolkit, that aims to control the entire life cycle of nodes in large computer fabrics. We'll give a quick overview of the main features and then focus on some use cases critical for sysadmins, like staged deployments and policy-based configuration executions. quattor-dojo.pdf

Lorenzo Martínez Rodríguez


Securing CentOS for typical roles: A few simple steps and you can dramatically increase the security of your machine running CentOS; in this talk I will start with the basics, including a few Linux Internals, Selinux and move along to tuning the Kernel, managing services and iptables before taking up specific processes including ssh, bash, apache and webapps; Then finally doing an introduction to patch management, auditing tools, logs and forensics. Hardening_CentOS.pdf

Xavier Gonzalez


Managing CentOS Infrastructure Services with Viapps: Viapps is a set of Virtual Appliances based on CentOS aimed at providing Network services. We will discuss the benefits of using Virtual Appliances instead the traditional approach in the context of the Cloud paradigm. We will also discuss the Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance approach used in this project. viapps_presentacion_technical_en_v10.pdf overview_opennac_org_eng_v9.pdf

Roger Pau Monne


Performance tuning Xen: How to tune your Xen deployment for performance: Xen has several options and different kinds of guests, knowing when to use each kind of guest, and how to tune it's parameters for optimal performance can make a big difference. This talk will cover the types of guests that can be deployed on Xen, and the different options you can use to obtain the best performance. xen_talk.pdf


Parque Científico de Madrid
Campus de Cantoblanco
C/ Faraday, 7
28049 – Madrid, Spain 


How to arrive by public transport

Local Hotels

Hotel Name

Phone Number

Prize (Single Room)

Prize (Double Room)

Quo Fierro

+34 918 044 837



All prices are per night. Both rooms include breakfast. Please mention during the booking that you are going to assist to CentOS Dojo Madrid to get the 15% discount on any type of room.

C12G Labs headquearters are located at the Scientific Park of Madrid in Cantoblanco University Campus, which is approximately 20 km. north to the city center, so the most convenient way to stay within Madrid well connected via subway to enjoy the free time in the city and at the same time not spending too much time every day to attend the training is staying in the north of the city. The best areas in this sense are close to Chamartin (commuter train station). We recommend staying as close as possible to Chamartinstation, as getting to the campus using the commuter train is very fast (line C-4, only two stops to reach Cantoblanco Universidad, about 15 minutes + 10 minutes walk from Cantoblanco Universidad station to the our building).


We have sponsorship opportunities available, please get in touch with us at Donateaddress for more details. NOTE: This is a not for profit event, all funds raised as a part of the CentOS Dojo effort are rolled into the CentOS promo fund and will be used for further CentOS Dojo Events-

2023-09-11 07:22