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CentOS LiveCD 5.5 - Notas de entrega
1. Traducciones
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2. Introducción
El equipo de desarrollo de CentOS se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de CentOS LiveCD 5.5 para las arquitecturas i386 y x86_64. Estas versiones LiveCD están basadas en nuestras distribuciones CentOS-5.5 i386 y x86_64.
Puede obtener CentOS LiveCD 5.5 de los siguientes servidores espejo de CentOS:
- Archivo: CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD.iso
- Tamaño: 686MB
- MD5Sum: 3d977bc2c68c1d51c7b498724d101ce8
SHA1Sum: 2745b4b1082a604405e14635bf1fb4638b3f45c2
- Archivo: CentOS-5.5-x86_64-LiveCD.iso
- Tamaño: 695MB
- MD5Sum: dd58026ece382bc0f87187ba3e42be7b
- SHA1Sum: 3a04aa81ef75f329bf245a8c4f02af8137a84fb8
Para crear la imágen de CentOS LiveCD 5.5 hemos empleado las herramientas livecd-tools del proyecto Fedora. Este conjunto de herramientas ofrece numerosas ventajas:
- todos los directorios son escribibles
- un simple proceso de creación del LiveCD
fácilmente se transfiere la imagen LiveCD a USB
3. Paquetes y Aplicaciones
El LiveCD puede ser utilizado como estación de trabajo, con el siguiente software:
- openoffice.org 3.1.1
- firefox 3.0.18
- thunderbird
- pidgin 2.6.6
- gftp 2.0.18
- gimp 2.2.13
Puede también ser utilizado como CD de rescate con las siguientes herramientas:
- memtest86+-1.65
- Conjunto completo de herramientas LVM y RAID para línea de ordenes
- Nmap y NMapFE
- traceroute
- samba-3.0.33 con soporte 'cifs' para conectarse a recursos compartidos Windows
- System Log Viewer
- GUI Hardware Device Manager
4. Nuevas características
4.1. Característica de Persistencia
The long awaited persistence feature is now available. With livecd-tools 014-7 and later, it is possible to create a LiveUSB media featuring a persistent overlay. An overlay of a fixed size is appended to the standard filesystem. This overlay is a dynamically growing set of blocks that have been modified on the original LiveCD root filesystem. It is used to store data and configuration changes. The size of the overlay should be no more than 2048MB on a VFAT Flash drive. If you use an ext3 Flash drive, the size of the overlay should be no more than the size of the root filesystem of the LiveCD. This value is defined on the "part / <size in MB>" line of the LiveCD kickstart file. The official CentOS 5 LiveCD has a 4096MB root filesystem.
Using a smaller overlay than the root filesystem can produce errors as the space available on the overlay is filled up. In this case, the LiveCD root filesystem will act as if there still was space available on the overlay while in fact it is fully allocated. However, there are many advantages at using a smaller overlay than the root filesystem on smaller Flash drive (4GB and less) even if it can be filled up eventually. To erase the content of the overlay and return to the original state of the LiveCD, add the reset_overlay kernel parameter at boot time. This will effectively reset the overlay.
4.2. Ahora incluye OpenOffice.org 3.1.1
openoffice.org 3.1.1 provides support for files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc)
4.3. Controladores para redes inalámbricas mejorado
The iwlwifi driver is now included which result in better support for Intel Wireless devices. You will need to install manually the Intel microcode image corresponding to your hardware in /lib/firmware to activate your wireless adapter. The microcode images are available from the Intel webpage: http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?n=downloads
4.4. Soporte para ext4
The ext4 partitions of your system should now be detected automatically by the LiveCD.
5. Problemas conocidos
The boot option called Boot from local drive may not work on your system.
- At boot time, the following harmless error message may be displayed:
memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) not within permissible range
- Resuming after entering suspend mode may leave you system in an unstable state.
If you encounter video issues, you can force the use of a different video driver at boot time. Add the 'xdriver=<driver>' string on the menu entry to force the use of <driver>. Here is an example:
- At boot time, when presented with the boot options, press [Tab] to edit the menu entries
- Edit the first menu entry
- Add 'xdriver=i810' to the string starting with 'append' to force the use of the i810 video driver
6. Instalación vía red
There is a "Network Install" option on the Live CD that is the same as our CentOS-5.5-i386-netinstall ISO. This option allows you to perform an FTP, HTTP, CD, Hard Drive or NFS install per these instructions:
(CD, NFS or Hard Drive installs require that you have downloaded the full CentOS tree or ISOs and taken the prerequisite steps to perform these installs per the above instructions, if you only have the LiveCD then you are NOT interested in these options)
If you desire to do a remote HTTP or FTP install from the Internet using the LiveCD, you can pick a mirror that is close to you from these public mirrors:
You can then find the path on that mirror to the "5/os/<arch>/" directory and use the paths for install where <arch> is the desired architecture (i386 or x86_64 for example). If you want to choose the mirror provided by "Linux Kernel Archives", in the above page click on the HTTP link for that mirror, then click 5 -> i386 -> os ... the full path for this mirror would be:
In the HTTP installation, use these paths based on the above mirror:
Server: mirrors.kernel.org Path: centos/5/os/i386
Other install locations are available by selecting a mirror close to you.
7. Involucrarse en la comunidad
As a CentOS user there are various ways you can help out with the CentOS community. Take a look at our Contribute page for further information on how to get involved.
7.1. El proyecto CentOS LiveCD
The CentOS LiveCD project is where the development of the CentOS LiveCD takes place. Various topics are covered:
- Getting the LiveCD creation toolset
- Creating a LiveCD image
- Transfering a LiveCD image to a Flash drive
- Boot a LiveCD image through PXE
- Customizing your own LiveCD
7.2. Listas de correo electrónico y foros
Another way you can help out others in the community is by joining one of the mailing lists or forums and actively resolve user problems and discuss solutions with others.
8. Agradecimientos
Agradecemos a cada uno de lo involucrados por ayudarnos a producir este producto.
Derechos reservados (C) 2010 CentOS