Last updated: February 20th, 2010
CentOS 5.4 Release Notes
1. Translations
Translations of these release notes are available for the following languages:
Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) - Cleber Paiva de Souza
Simplified Chinese (简体中文) - Timothy Lee
Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) - Timothy Lee
French (Français) - Manuel Wolfshant , Fabian Arrotin
German (Deutsch) - Marcus Moeller
Japanese (日本語) - Akemi Yagi, Hajime Taira
Korean (한국어) - YoungHoon Park
Spanish (Español) - AlainRegueraDelgado, HardyBeltran
2. Introduction
Welcome to the CentOS 5.4 release. CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by our Upstream OS Provider (UOP)1.
CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. (CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.) CentOS is a Free Operating System.
CentOS 5.4 is the fourth update to the CentOS 5 distribution series. It contains a lot of bugfixes, updates and new functionality. Before reading any further we advise you to read the UOP Release Notes (or Single Page Release Notes) and Technical Notes (or Single Page Technical Notes). The rest of this document is an addendum, and primarily covers CentOS-specific issues.
3. Install Media and sha1sum
-------------------------------------------- i386 media and their sha1sums are: 2c3e2d6ca38e3549d47d5f74529193ed68d838cc CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-1of6.iso 9f8b829bd7d39dec4c25d3f7815391323ea462d4 CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-2of6.iso aa9db29f2524894599a5d948b58593782da9adcc CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-3of6.iso 44d72f7b9f889e0278a1718061606b48d10975bf CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-4of6.iso 88ff6bd1abe194dc4b2d77d779dac28d914276bf CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-5of6.iso 0dd39bd0ca1420b78be630f2a1d0fa7301e00db4 CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-6of6.iso d2b36d3f017b2684ac920fab87aaf741bba16ca8 CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD.iso f52e34da5570fd4eec0f3688c6f03c7686e8ad08 CentOS-5.4-i386-LiveCD.iso 94ddb89f24be9330efc2595a1ba76c4ce9aea22f CentOS-5.4-i386-netinstall.iso -------------------------------------------- x86_64 media and their sha1sums are: 2a283f28adea32481b057bec0fcabba37b4e2d75 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-1of7.iso aa5b7a5a03746024555a8aa4c17cdb1e51798480 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-2of7.iso ab7c6e8ad67f426cfb046478f1669b3f8c925433 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-3of7.iso 02e411338b6c693e483b152f72fe93fddfb9588e CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-4of7.iso a91ecff0ebb6e216ac96887e6e325f9c7b7eef32 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-5of7.iso 9ab5f1d20cd81c3ebdc6a22d22e9dc7111646199 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-6of7.iso 3b00f16ed097f2bd189395edde6834e33f73cdb4 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-7of7.iso 9069eadfc3a8727ed7abe472effae5b9bbbda8a1 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso da508b248ab2d18deb42e2ec0ec7061b1fbf4568 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-LiveCD.iso 98287aff19e8e4b4d19c5d714cc189fe08f38521 CentOS-5.4-x86_64-netinstall.iso --------------------------------------------
4. Known Issues
There are no xfsprogs in the base distribution, although the xfs file system is available. This is an upstream decision, see Red Hat Bug 521173. xfsprogs and xfsdump can be found in the CentOS Extras repository.
- Because of this you cannot install on XFS volumes in CentOS.
- XFS is only available for x86_64, not for 32bit systems.
- XFS might be available for i686 from the CentOS Plus repository.
VMWare host on CentOS-5.4. There is an issue with the new version of glibc (2.5-42) and vmware-hostd. If you are using CentOS-5.4 as a VMWare host machine, you will need to read and take actions per this bug report (#3884).
An old issue with xorg.conf is not being configured properly during installation is still present. See the CentOS bug report #1719 for more details and possible work-arounds.
The update to 5.4 will break all previous Openswan configs which use X509 certificates, because 5.4 switched to NSS (Network Security Services) for certificate storage. This means that you need to feed all existing certificates into NSS storage. See the README.nss from the Openswan documentation for more information. This file (and others) can be found in the openswan-doc package.
The yum-priorities plugin package was in the 5.3 os directory, but was not included in 5.4. It can now be found in the [extras] repository.
Several users have reported a hang during the installer boot at "loading ata_piix driver". Adding the boot option "irqpoll" is suggested to allow the boot to continue.
Many users have experienced a blank or black screen after an upgrade to 5.4, particularly with Intel video. A workaround found on the CentOS forum is to install in text mode and afterward edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the line 'Option "DDC" "false"':
Section "Device" Identifier "Videocard0" Driver "intel" Option "DDC" "false" EndSection
- CentOS 5.4 includes glibc and kernel updates. For yum updates the recommended procedure is:
yum clean all yum update glibc\* yum update yum\* rpm\* python\* yum clean all yum update shutdown -r now
5. Resolved Issues
There was a problem with Jumbo Frames and Broadcom ethernet cards where NFS would hang with "RPC: bad TCP reclen" messages. This has been fixed in 5.4. See
There was a problem with CIFS cleartext connections. This issue has been fixed in 5.4. See
There was a problem with m2crypto not handling subjectAltnames correctly. This will be fixed in 5.4 updates coming out directly after release. See
WLAN LEDs on Thinkpad R61 weren't working (correctly). This is fixed in 5.4. See
There was a problem with restorecon breaking selinux contexts in /var/named/chroot/proc. This has been fixed. See
There was a problem with wget aborting if invoked with --no-clobber and encountering an existing file. This has been fixed. See
There was a problem with postfix trying to access /boot and SELinux denying it. This has been fixed in 5.4. See
There was a problem with vsftpd not correctly shutting down TLS connections. This has been fixed. See
6. Changes
6.1. New packages in 5.4 that were not present in 5.3
- blktrace
- celt051
- etherboot
- fcoe-utils
- fuse
- gcc44
- gnupg2
- hmaccalc
- iasl
- kmod-kvm
- kvm
- libassuan
- libhbaapi
- libhbalinux
- libksba
- libpciaccess
- log4cpp
- pdksh
- perl-Sys-Virt
- pinentry
- pth
- qcairo
- qffmpeg
- qpixman
- qspice
- xorg-x11-drv-qxl
- xorg-x11-xdm
6.2. Packages that have been upgraded in 5.4 since the 5.3 release
- OpenIPMI
- acpid
- aide
- amanda
- anaconda
- aspell
- audit
- authconfig
- authd
- autofs
- avahi
- bind
- binutils
- busybox
- caching-nameserver
- cman
- cmirror
- conga
- coreutils
- cpio
- cpp
- cpuspeed
- crash
- cryptsetup-luks
- cscope
- cups
- cvs
- cyrus-imapd
- cyrus-sasl
- db4
- depl
- device-mapper
- device-mapper-multipath
- dhcp
- dhcpv6
- dmidecode
- dmraid
- dos2unix
- dump
- dvd+rw-tools
- e2fsprogs
- e4fsprogs
- ecryptfs-utils
- efax
- esc
- ethtool
- evince
- evolution
- evolution-connector
- evolution-data-server
- file
- findutils
- fipscheck
- fcoe-utils
- foomatic
- freetype
- gcc
- gdb
- gdm
- gfs-utils
- gfs2-utils
- ghostscript
- giflib
- glibc
- gnome-python2-desktop
- gnome-session
- grep
- grub
- gtk-vnc
- hal
- htdig
- httpd
- hwbrowser
- hwdata
- ibsim
- ibutils
- ibvexdmtools
- infiniband-diags
- initscripts
- iptables
- iproute
- iprutils
- ipsec-tools
- iputils
- ipvsadm
- irqbalance
- iscsi-initiator-utils
- isdn4k-utils
- jadetex
- java-1.6.0-openjdk
- kdebase
- kdegraphics
- kdelibs
- kdenetwork
- kdepim
- kernel
- kexec-tools
- kmod-cmirror
- kmod-gfs
- krb5
- ksh
- lcms
- less
- lftp
- libX11
- libcxgb3
- libdhcp
- libgcc
- libgcj
- libgcrypt
- libgfortran
- libgfortran44
- libgnat
- libgomp
- libibcm
- libibcommon
- libibmad
- libibumad
- libibverbs
- libipathverbs
- libmlx4
- libmthca
- libmudflap
- libnes
- libobjc
- librdmacm
- libsdp
- libselinux
- libsemanage
- libsepol
- libsoup
- libspe2
- libtiff
- libunwind
- libvirt
- libvirt-cim
- libvorbis
- libwmf
- libxml
- linuxwacom
- lksctp-tools
- ltrace
- luci
- lvm2
- lvm2-cluster
- m2crypto
- man-pages-ja
- mcelog
- mdadm
- microcode_ctl
- mkinitrd
- mlocate
- mod_auth_mysql
- mod_authz_ldap
- mod_nss
- module-init-tools
- mysql
- mysql-connector-odbc
- nash
- nautilus-sendto
- net-snmp
- netpbm
- nfs-utils
- nfs-utils-lib
- nfs4-acl-tools
- nscd
- nss_ldap
- ntp
- numactl
- openais
- openhpi
- openib
- opensm
- openssh
- openssl
- openswan
- oprofile
- pam
- pango
- pciutils
- pdksh
- perftest
- perl
- perl-suidperl
- php-pear
- piranha
- policycoreutils
- popt
- psmisc
- pykickstart
- pyorbit
- python
- python-pyblock
- python-tools
- python-virtinst
- rdesktop
- rds-tools
- readline
- redhat-rpm-config
- rgmanager
- ricci
- rmt
- rpm
- rsh
- samba
- sblim
- scim-bridge
- selinux-policy
- setroubleshoot
- setup
- sg3_utils
- sos
- sqlite
- srptools
- strace
- sudo
- system-config-audit
- system-config-cluster
- system-config-date
- system-config-language
- system-config-network
- system-config-network-tui
- system-config-samba
- systemtap
- tcl
- tcp_wrappers
- tetex
- tftp
- tkinter
- tog-pegasus
- totem
- totem-mozplugin
- udev
- unix2dos
- util-linux
- uuidd
- vim-common
- vim-enhanced
- vim-minimal
- vim
- vino
- virt-manager
- virt-viewer
- vsftpd
- watchdog
- wdaemon
- wget
- wireshark
- xen
- xisdnload
- xkeyboard-config
- xorg-x11-drv-ati
- xorg-x11-drv-i810
- xorg-x11-drv-mga
- xorg-x11-drv-nv
- xorg-x11-proto-devel
- xorg-x11-server
- xorg-x11-xdm
- ypbind
- yum
- yum-metadata-parser
- zsh
- zsh-html
6.3. Packages removed by upstream in 5.4 that were present in 5.3
- gcc43-4.3.2-7.el5
6.4. Packages released as 5.3 updates with older packages on the 5.4 install media
- cman-2.0.115-1.el5
- cman-devel-2.0.115-1.el5
- ecryptfs-utils-75-5.el5
- ecryptfs-utils-devel-75-5.el5
- ecryptfs-utils-gui-75-5.el5
- fetchmail-6.3.6-1.1.el5_3.1
- firefox-3.0.14-1.el5.centos
- gdm-2.16.0-56.el5.centos
- gdm-docs-2.16.0-56.el5.centos
- gfs2-utils-0.1.62-1.el5
- kernel-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-debug-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-debug-devel-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-devel-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-doc-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-headers-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-PAE-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-PAE-devel-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-xen-2.6.18-164.el5
- kernel-xen-devel-2.6.18-164.el5
- lftp-3.7.11-4.el5
- mysql-5.0.77-3.el5
- mysql-bench-5.0.77-3.el5
- mysql-devel-5.0.77-3.el5
- mysql-server-5.0.77-3.el5
- mysql-test-5.0.77-3.el5
- nfs-utils-1.0.9-42.el5
- nspr-4.7.5-1.el5_4
- nspr-devel-4.7.5-1.el5_4
- openssh-4.3p2-36.el5
- openssh-askpass-4.3p2-36.el5
- openssh-clients-4.3p2-36.el5
- openssh-server-4.3p2-36.el5
- openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5
- openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5
- openssl-devel-0.9.8e-12.el5
- openssl-perl-0.9.8e-12.el5
- rgmanager-2.0.52-1.el5.centos
- xmlsec1-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-devel-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-gnutls-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-gnutls-devel-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-nss-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-nss-devel-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-openssl-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xmlsec1-openssl-devel-1.2.9-8.1.1
- xulrunner-
- xulrunner-devel-
- xulrunner-devel-unstable-
These packages are now in the updates repository for CentOS 5.3.
7. Changes done by CentOS
7.1. Packages modified by CentOS
- anaconda
- anacron
- basesystem
- bluez-utils
- brltty
- busybox
- centos-release
- Cluster_Administration
- clustermon
- comps-extras
- conga
- crash
- Deployment_Guide
- desktop-backgrounds
- eclipse
- filesystem
- firefox
- firstboot
- gdm
- geronimo-specs
- Global_File_System
- gnome-desktop
- gnome-session
- gzip
- httpd
- initscripts
- kdebase
- kdelibs
- kudzu
- nautilus-sendto
- nss
- ntp
- pango
- pirut
- pm-utils
- procmail
- python-virtinst
- redhat-artwork
- redhat-logos
- redhat-lsb
- redhat-rpm-config
- rgmanager
- rhdb-utils
- rhgb
- setuptool
- specspo
- squirrelmail
- system-config-bind
- tftp
- thunderbird
- Virtualization_Guide
- xorg-x11-proto-devel
- yum
- yum-utils
Note: Details of changes can be found in the package changelog. It's also important to keep in mind that most of these packages are only changed to remove upstream branding, as required by their terms of use.
7.2. Packages removed from CentOS that are included upstream
- redhat-release-5Client
- redhat-release-5Server
- redhat-release-notes
- redhat-release-notes
- rhel-instnum
- rhn-check
- rhn-client-tools
- rhnlib
- rhnsd
- rhn-setup
- rhn-setup-gnome
- yum-rhn-plugin
7.3. Packages added by CentOS that are not included upstream
- perl.i386 in the x86_64 distro (note: as of CentOS-5.2 the package has been moved from the distro to the extras repo)
8. How to help and get help
As a CentOS user there are various ways you can help out with the CentOS community. Take a look at our Contribute page for further information on how to get involved.
8.1. Special Interest Groups
CentOS consists of different Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that bring together people with similar interests. The following SIGs already exist:
Artwork - create and improve artwork for CentOS releases and promotion
Promotion - help promoting CentOS online or at events
Virtualization - unite people around virtualization in CentOS
And we encourage people to join any of these SIGs or start up a new SIG, eg.
- Alpha, S390, Sparc and PPC port - help with porting CentOS to other architectures
- Hardware compatibility - provide feedback about specific hardware
- RPM Packaging - contribute new useful RPM packages
- Translation - help translating the documentation, website and wiki content
8.2. Mailinglists and Forums
Another way you can help out others in the community is by actively helping and resolving problems that users come up against in the mailinglists and forums.
8.3. Wiki and website
Even as an inexperienced CentOS user we can use your help. Because we like to know what problems you encountered, if you had problems finding specific information, how you would improve documentation so it becomes more accessible. This kind of feedback is as valuable to others as it would have been to you so your involvement is required to make CentOS better.
So if you want to help out and improve our documentation and wiki, register on the wiki or subscribe to the centos-docs mailinglist.
9. Further Reading
The following websites contain large amounts of information to help people with their CentOS systems :
Upstream release notes and documentation :
10. Thanks
We thank everyone involved for helping us produce this product.
Copyright (C) 2009 CentOS
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