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CentOS Pulse - Monthly CentOS Newsletter

The CentOS Pulse Newsletter is an important tool to communicate within the community. It is run by the community to collect interesting bits from the wiki, mailinglist, fora, SIGs and other sources, and put them into the spotlight.

The Newsletter is scheduled on a monthly basis and focuses on a mid-month release date.


Subscribing to the newsletter

The newsletter is published on this Wiki, but a lot of readers prefer to get an email when a new edition is being published so we have a low-traffic mailinglist for the sole purpose of announcing a new issue. You can subscribe to these newsletter announcements from: http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-newsletter

Published issues




Earlier issues (2010 and earlier)


The newsletter is always looking for your interesting community-related content: Anything you're doing with, or on top of, or nearby, CentOS, that you'd like to publicize to our community. See Contributing for some more information where we want to go to.

If you feel you have an insight into a specific subject, we need you to provide us with the tips or maintain that section. Please contact Rich Bowen - rbowen@centosproject.org - or the centos-promo mailinglist so we can discuss your ideas in more detail.

All discussion will happen on the centos-promo mailinglist.

2023-09-11 07:23